Book II - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - The Gokudo Construction Worker

2 nights ago, in Japan.

"I want to join the Okiwa Alliance, Sekirowa-san!"

I was expelled in the Gokudo from Shinda-gumi a month ago and I need that life back since I'm outside now and I might need extra help from local Gokudos around town. I paid all of my savings from the Cabaret Club I manage every night in Japan which was never mentioned in this story, I do that only during sleepwalks. But everyone seems to think I am conscious but I was not. It was the demon inside of me that can act as a human since I tamed the beast inside of me. Sekirowa-oyabun called me a mad dog of Shindie Dantai but I told him I am no longer a mad dog since I've tamed that beast for, I am a wolf now. That wolf thing has been a thing of mine more than a mad dog of mine for a long time now since I've been outside freely from house arrest. So, he told me to give me a mission, a hit job if I can track down the person that will hack me. But it's less of a hit job, rather than to find one of his associates in the Philippines in order to get inside the family to test my capabilities since Shinda-gumi and E* clans are lesser Gokudo branches, this Okiwa Alliance is extremely serious; they don't take MAD DOGS inside the clan. But here, it's very perspective and quite dexterous, and very serious. But this time I managed to become serious at my job. So, I went back to the Philippines and left my billions of yen in order to get my rank after my trial mission was done.

The next day someone hacked my computer, it was seen by my firewall, anti-virus, Gmail account, YouTube account, my phone's VPN, and of course my Discord was deleted for no reason. It has gotten me mad. That one thing that must be done in the mission is not to kill the person but simply find him and he will recruit me to his family as a second command of the Sekirowa Family. The main family of the entire branch. I only have my one last associate left in the Gokudo named Ferozinita which I don't know where in the bloody hell he got that time I don't even know what that means but he's my translator in case I might miss a few words since Kansai is my main dialect and not Tokyo Ben dialect. But I don't need him around in Osaka since everyone there is Kansai ben. So, when I was hacked, I traced back the hacker's location the same way the first time I got into Gokudo. Since the software and my Gmail showed me the unknown hacker's IP ADDRESS I copypasta his IP Address into google maps in a terrain mode and I found out he's in the middle of a fuckin' cemetery at Floridablanca city very far from Guagua! The worst part is that he might know I am into furry femboys through my web history. So, I went to find him in the night. During that morning someone with a skull tattoo on his hand, and of course his arm was a dragon tattoo which was quite blue and I asked him jokingly if he was a Gokudo and he denied it laughing. His name was Jonathan, using 7th Sense. I can't quite understand between the reality and pseudo confusion if he might be the hacker well since he's been working here all day and the hacker is online. So, at night. I spread my wings and flew all the way to the very middle of the cemetery where the hacker's location is located in the maps of Google. There it was, as I expected a decoy! A phone that has no one around. Then I got ambushed but I used Illusion's Obfuscate in order to remain hidden in the shadows and not to be seen. Basically, a vampire's ability to be invisible in the dark. And then... ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!

Then I used psychometry on the phone who owns it and found out he was hiding in a shady squatter house. I went inside.

"Konbanwa, kyoudai..."

"Oh hey! If it isn't the return of Shi-san's mad dog Shinda and Shindie!"

"That is not me anymore, I am a wolf. The Wolf of Japan!"

"Yeah, I've heard of The Wolf of China back then about the triads there."

"Yeah, I met him before he joked that Gokudo 0 was a good game and I told him Sleeping Dogs was a better game and he got batshit insane."

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