Book II - Chapter 1

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Contele Vladislav II: Requiem of Dice

Klei Nightwriter

PART I: Dice RE;quiem

Chapter 1 - Alucard Takes Enthusiastic Walks

Vaccination rollout! But only to the Priority list of people with disabilities, comorbid diseases, and of course the senior citizens, lastly, of course, the economy workers! I was one of the first ones to get vaccinated in Guagua as my father and I went outside earlier at dawn as soon as last night's President Duterte's declaration of it on May 1st. And that 1st of May is TODAY! It is that time now... I wore my shades, buckled up my belt into my pants, wore my hoodie, and then fabulously wore my shades and of course the terrible face masks and face shields. Not to mention the hand sanitizers with a keychain, a good thing I picked my own color which was quite red for its own better good. Shall we have another dance of this recurring dream again? This escapism? With my superiority complex? Of course! But this time it's different, but still, the same prologue.

After an hour of being observed if I would have any adverse effects or not, there was nothing that had happened so I was glad to be freed from the personal lockdown declared by my mother after my 4 years of house arrest was over. Well of course 8,000 and more a day are being infected in the entire Philippines. She can't risk her "human" son to go outside and go wild as much as he can just to have fun and socialize like a manic extravert going around from pack to pack like a lone wolf. This makes me a bit introverted, BUT IN ALL HONESTY, I AM AN AMBIVERT! I enjoy quality time with society with lots of good friends and good people but also enjoy some solitude all by myself when I am not interested in their conversation but I love a good drama to emotionally feed on. Forgive me if I have not introduced myself properly these entire seasons/sagas of the Book of Voltaire Series, I am Prince Alucard of Corvin, to whom I owe the pleasure of meeting you my countess/lord? ROLL FOR HAPPINESS, Green die! 6, rolled in real life for the book. Alright, let's get rockin' in the highways to the winds of Gehenna!!!

Dad gave me 100 pesos but I added a bonus extra money for at least 50 more just to enjoy my first day outside in 4 years alone by myself and to socialize, without money how can you socialize? They said you can't buy friends with money. That's only what a peasant would say because they are ignorant of the power of money. Using the money you can be popular, you can treat your friends with foods and drinks they want and need and give you closer friendship and more respect to earn from them using money! But I have at least 150 pesos. As for me I would use this money for my own self-pleasure. So I rolled for finances. I will use my pair of two white dice to wage my money on what will happen today as a fortune-telling divination. The double the price the more chances, that's why I use two dice instead of one die. Out of 12!


I got 4. The spirits must be telling me that I am going to spend all of these on myself in the future. Well I have a ponytail haircut and I love it this way, I'm not going to spend it on getting a haircut and get some fresh human blood. I can't roll for advice though that's on me! So I went to walk around town and saw the vast beauty of the terrain! The structures of the building remind me of Manila City, but at night it looks like Sotenbori Osaka Japan. Downtown San Fernando City in Pampanga looks like Kamurocho Tokyo Japan. That's another connection to why I have my mother's Kansai accent, the Osaka dialect whenever I speak Japanese or Nihongo. So here I am walking around in town and ah shit I got bored, time to buy Lipovitan! I went to 7-11 stores, I bought Marlboro Red Pack and Lipovitan which cost me all of my money in a total of 150 Pesos! 100 Pesos for the cigarette pack, and 50 Pesos for Lipovitan, they raised the prices since the quarantine started, didn't they? Well, at least my own self-pleasure is much more important than these puny humans who know nothing about true humanity as a posthumanist. I squeezed the cap open and flicked it away as my cigarette was on fire already, I chugged it and then inhaled my cigarette at the parking lot in front of the church. The locals who live in the neighborhood there complimented me as a hardcore drinker. I told them this isn't beer and asked who they are.

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