Book II - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Deserved a title as such...

I entered the church...

Everyone looked at me and gossiped.

"Welcome... Home. Grandson of the Devil, son of the devil Vlad the 3rd Tepes Dracul. Everyone, this is Count Alucard, Prince of Twilight."

They all bowed before me.

"What is the new objective?"

"Rest easy Alucard. Just relax. You've done more than enough for the night. We've been spying on you this whole time and you did remarkably."

"Even if I belong to this secret society. I cannot leave my child."

"She is under us now. She will be your servant. She will be with you at all times."

"I see. Where is she?"

"I told you Alucard, relax my Count. There is a lot of time for tomorrow in the morning. Because in the daytime we sleep since we are vampire hunters."

"I am no grandson of the devil, by the way, the devil, Lucifer, Morning Star, he is my archenemy."

"Yes, we know. But his powerful blood flows through you, yet the soul of an angel. We heard a lot too when you were younger about your dream when so-called Jesus visited you in your dreams calling you, HIS SON. Not to criticize but we Catholic secret societies do believe that such dreams exist in real life. Just like how we studied in the book of Father Sebastian."

"Ah yes, the Vampyre Magick, Sanguinarian."

"Yes, vampires dream walks, you believe that you turned when you had that dream and remember it quite well. That was the first time you remember your dream during a sleep-walking state as a vampire. All vampires sleepwalk to feed on the living and go berserk even. You learned how to control it in March of 2020."

"You know, privacy is someone's personal abode not to be entered without an invitation."

"We are not vampires. Such as the mythmakers say that vampires cannot enter a home without an invitation."

"That is just but Romanian manners."

"Where did you learn that?"

"London did not have such manners back then in the 18th century. However, Romania does. Until now. I learned that from my blood father through dream walking states."

"Intriguing... Yes, we know that the new Dracula, Prince among vampires, is now you. But you refuse to take such an overtaking reign of the castle at Corvin and let the lesser Earl do the job for you. You rather enjoy living in the Philippines for your own fun. And of course, the internet. But yet, you still wanted to keep the title."

"This, The Order of The Shroud. I did what must be done, I had to kill anyone in the way just to do the job right."

"How did the dhampir's blood taste?"

"Bitter! I remember drinking dhampir's blood before... before him."

"I am Madam Intersen, you will work for me as the assassin of vampires and ghouls that scattered around the city. You should have killed the rest of the ghouls but you had to save someone's life first. And even made a joke about her death just to forgive you. It feels like this story you have in your life is abridged. At some point, you might be insane."

"You realized that just now?"

"Well... we never thought you were insane the fact you have several mental issues however you are extremely smart beyond human comprehension. This is why we thought you were sane. And of course, the books you published online. That's what caught our interest in you. Even your entire back story is in there so we connected the dots in reality. And it seems like it was based on a true story after all. Except for the dream reality confusion madness, you had over Vayne, well, she's dead now like you mentioned at the end of the book now you don't have to go through that cycle anymore, right?"

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