Book I - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Awakening

I woke up, it was 4:40 PM. I went to eat and told dad I will drink the pills early because I'll be late for home. He said sure, then he gave me the food and pills. I stared at the food and felt hungry but no appetite for this food he gave me, it's my favorite, chicken curry. I took a spoonful of rice and a fork of chicken and took a bite but I couldn't swallow it, I puked it on my plate. He noticed that. He told me to chew my food. I told him I can't even chew the food because it tastes bad. He took a teaspoon and ate some, he said it tastes better since adding extra ingredients since he cares about me anyway. Plus it's my favorite food. I tried to eat again and puked it out. He asked me what's wrong. Is it one of my psychotic episodes kickin' in again? I told him I'm fine. He assumed because I stayed up at night, I told him I slept the entire day more than 10 hours, I slept at dawn when the sun was rising. He told me okay that's good. He took another teaspoon and tasted my food to test it one more time. He said the food is fine why can't I eat it? I told him I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel extremely hungry. He took the food plate and replaced it with another dish. I rolled the dice for both humanity and hunger. Humanity is 2, and hunger is 3. What happened?! Then suddenly, a familiar voice I haven't heard in a long time since I was brought to the hospital thanks to my vomiting when I was eating food but managed to eat after being treated in the hospital for some few days. He told me a pureblood vampire is not an easy task to blend in with society. Not even wine is something you can enjoy anymore, it lacks tastes. And the food tastes terrible. There is nothing humane you can eat except for fresh human blood, animal blood will not do either. I rolled my green die, 2, The Moon Card. I rolled the power of my illusionism against my dad, 4 was the number. Here I could at least make him think I already ate. He was taking the dish and used trance on him which was a Indoctrination power of a vampire. To make him feel quite confused. I asked him if he's going to eat that. He said no, I told him he hasn't eaten yet, he told me if I ate already. I told him he already took my food away since I had no appetite and will just eat outside. He can have those foods for himself instead. Grandma Pelly is cooking something better I said. He believed it so. The high average power of silver tongue hypnosis mixed with Illusion's Obfuscate words actually did the trick. He asked me about the pills. Water couldn't be so bad... I took the pills and drank water but I vomited again. Then he suddenly realized what just happened. He remembered it back! What happened earlier. He asked me why am I trying to escape dinner? I have gastritis and I can't skip any meals. And why am I even puking out water?

I told him it tastes bad. He took a sip of my water and said it's fine. I exclaimed that I don't understand. The sun was slowly sinking. There is only one way to know the cause. I went to the street outside the gates and asked me where am I going, am I skipping my meds again? Especially dinner? He asked me what the hell is going on with me.

"I'll show you..."

I took my hand out onto the sunshine and then... it was burning turning black and it hurt so bad! I yelled out a scream of agony. He dropped everything and ran to me.

"What the hell? KLEI?! Are you a vampire?!"

"Please... don't tell anyone."

"How did this happened?!"

"Dad... I drank human blood last night, it was supposed to make my awakening to be finished during the process, it started when I had a dream that I was in a castle, remember those dreams I told you about? About vampires in the castle, isn't obvious that every morning that I have mosquito bites all over my neck, two pairs each night? Especially on my collarbones? That wasn't me trying to scratch myself out of sheer insanity. That was a vampire bite."

He looked at me with soulless eyes. He was traumatized, I've done it now... I slowly took him inside and told him to drink my sleeping pills so he can relax, at least just half of the pill and he can stay calm from what happened. He agreed and I told him I'm leaving for the night since I can't go outside in the daytime anymore. I made sure he promises to keep this a secret but tell our family members such as Big brother Regie, my mother, and my 2nd elder sister Emiko. He said he will. I told him to vent and let out everything he feels about this to the group call while I'm gone, I can't explain to them how this happened. He said he will but first, he recommended that he needs to sleep first and calm down for the night. I told him I will come back before sunrise.

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