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Chapter 7 - The Lunace's Therapy

I went to become a better human being after some few therapy sessions which took random psychologists online and myself for a few hours. They explained the complexity of my brain and discussed them with me and told me the things I need to do and the therapies they did to me through chat. It was working for the first time. Once I had to take a video call with them with my sunglasses and facemask and my hoodie on just to hide my identity, I was known in the website for online counseling for psychological therapy as the first to have clinical vampirism which is not a real diagnosis at all. There are many people with clinical vampirism in New York especially in Buffalo of New York City but their sanity is normal, I was one of the cursed Lunaces that have vampirism and have to go through madness. And here this website and all websites for online therapy takes a lot of money for a month of everyday session with many therapists online. I just lost half of my savings which my savings were in my l account I used for selling books online and it's been a long time since people bought my books, at first day it went bestselling and I was interviewed even when mom went back home and my big brother finally got a job, mom retired after that. She's old, wrinkled, weak, and comorbid during the end of the year 2021 which where I celebrated Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve with the Bacani Family residence where there are more people to socialize with. Mom and dad can just celebrate, or mom alone since well, she just gets drunk too much and does horrible things and go wild more than I can when I'm overdose on caffeine. She's crazier than me even at sober states both of us at the same time. Dad doesn't believe in Christmas and New Year and Birthdays or any holidays or even break times for just an hour, he just sits there and does nothing. He's beyond atheism.

He lashes out whenever something religious comes up. Especially to the Catholics. But my mom is a pure devoted yet hypocritical Catholic but they still love each other thanks to me being on their both sides.

It is Christmas Holidays again... half of my money was lost, thanks to my bestselling books online the vampire trend just became well, a trend, a mainstream genre and every writer was inspired to write many vampire sagas thanks to my aspiring books. And after that, my books were never sold again and they just rather read the others' works... they buy other works than mine. I am quite envious of them. They became higher than I am. I guess nobody's perfect when I thought I am a master during the performance of the English literature even if I am a Filipino which English was never my first language.

There are more movies about them now and I just hate it, I hate them! What I bred destroyed me. But that's every artist's dream. An artist breeds something and their own creations destroy them, that's their dream, but that was never my ambition. I wanted to be at the top, I did get to the top, now I am at the lowest. Every single day I visit Amazon Kindle for eBooks more vampire books are being published. I have some self-hatred for doing this so I wrote a new bundle of 20 Sagas which each Saga has 10 books within one night of finishing all of my own stock supply of coffee, and by the sunrise I was slowly passing out after I vomited, and then clicked publish... Prince Alucard has returned...




I woke up in the morning, it went viral. The master vampire Prince Alucard has published a new series they said, which I sold the complete bundle for 30 dollars. And I gained millions of money thanks to it. They are glad to see me back in action. After 6 years inactive for writing books, I made it back to the top. Finally, I can get more money, I also quit the pills for now. I weaned them off for a month. And a month later I no longer need those pills. And here I am spent an entire year of being the main protagonist actor, author, film editor and director of my own book which I hired my friends to make cinematic film for me to take skits and shots of me filming the Luciferius Luna Saga and posted them online. Then a few weeks later I had an email message from Netflix saying to send those files of my films and they can make it better and rebreed it if they can't make it better but it has too much potential since well, as a young lad I always practiced cinematic editing for my parkour skits and shootings. Here they want me to be part of Netflix. They said it was great and can give better transitions if I give them the files of my edits and not the videos themselves, the editing software I have been using, I sent those edited files to them and they made episodes of it every week on Netflix. Here I gained billions of cash in my credit card thanks to them, especially in my PayPal too.

It just took me a month just to get to breed the entire Luciferius Luna Saga which was the prequel of this story, the very first book I bred since March 1st of 2021. Which I finished within one day and published it on Wattpad, then after 27 days later I managed to finish 10 books for the complete bundle and posted them on Wattpad for the horrible non-edited version. After I got my editor for my manuscripts since I got my first credit card in 2021, I started to hire freelance editor as my very own editor that works for me which I employed rather than a freelancer. And then I had to hire another since he's editing other vampire genre writer's works for online publishing. I didn't have to edit it, I just edited it myself using a proofreading tool that I paid through PayPal. Then had my entire manuscript of 20 SAGAS which had 10 BOOKS in one bundle sold for 30 dollars and since it's Holiday Seasons I did a 10 percent off for the book which is limited until 1st of January for the next year in 2027.

I am almost 28 years old and I haven't aged... though I think I might have aged slowly, back then in 2021 I looked 13, right now I look 17.

I had another interview which I declined because I was too exhausted. I drank my one of my Xanax pills that was still left in stock just so I can rest.




February 14th of 2021, still have no girlfriend, nor an eternal bride. Vayne is always deceitful as she can be as the Vampire Master's servitor which I own her. I don't want her for today's holiday...

I seem more depressed and gloomier every day since the counselling stopped. But I don't want to waste my money on them anymore I can just help myself.

I walked around and accidentally stepped on a gunpowder popper and I jumped. Shit, I forgot, they still haven't cleaned the entire village since New Year. Seeing those red hearted bubbles around everywhere I go makes it tempting to drink blood of an eternal bride of a human to Breed her and turn her like me. But I never found anyone, the right woman for me, at least not yet. I dated a lot of women but they are just foolishly deceitful which I fell for their trap just for being a sucker for love and was desperate. I walked through the street districts of Guagua during the morning and saw everyone holding hands. I wish the pandemic was still here so they would do social distancing. Everyone is kissing and hugging, it's mortifying!

I walked to the gates of the church to pray alone. And of course, to confess my sins.

"Father forgive me for I have sinned."

"You killed for survival as a vampire again Prince Alucard didn't you? You never tell anyone your real name."

"I know, which God said thou shall not lie but it's just an alias so that doesn't count I want to hide my true identity I have a bad reputation back in San Juan Nepo during the pandemic and everyone thought 'KLEI IS CRAZY!!'"

"So, you admitted your real name, Klei. I remember a Klei, K-L-E-I was his spelling."

"That's my father..."

"What happened to that angelic Klei that turned into an infernal demon?"

"I... I wasn't Bred by anyone, but I developed vampirism on my own. I tried to find clues and hints, I know I am superiorly witty and intelligent but even using my 7th Sense couldn't find the one who Bred me. Using my 7th Sense I was born this way..."

"I see, then what happened after you found out you were a vampire?"

"I started feeding on my own blood because it felt good and it tasted amazing. Then I went to local butchers of town to get free pork or cattle's blood, cattle taste better, but now I am killing humans and they either turn into ghouls or vampires after they die. They reanimate and turn into the undead... I don't want to do this anymore; I'm looking for a cure."

"The only cure is death... exorcism for the vampire."

"... my life has been all nothing but shit and I have to live for the rest of all eternity with this guilt. Please father... kill me, I am a monster."

"Are you sure you decide on that?"


I closed my eyes as they put me in a coffin and did my hand positions I do best whenever I sleep, the vampire position of sleeping where your hands or arms are crossed like a bat sleeping. They staked my heart inside the church and I shrieked like a demon and they kept hammering the stake down through my heart and pinned me down. After that it was silence... they decapitated me, and burn me inside the church as they chant Latin prayers in a circle to perform an exorcism.

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