Book II - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Moonlit Walk

I have my nightside friends, and my dayside friends, my nightside self, and my dayside self, along with nightside quests, and dayside quests. Today I was sent an errand so my father could entrust me to do so. My reward is money, he's getting weak, older... since he hasn't been in the gym for a year, even if he's 52 years old he pushes himself too hard to go work out with too many barbells more than any human even myself can handle. He does this to make himself stronger for his future until he ages to die. Just so as long as he's alive, he can take care of me, since he's been taking care of me too much, he's been letting go of himself selflessly for my sake to be safe. He stopped working out and started to watch over me more at those times and since the house was getting renovated there was no more gym inside the house anymore. The only available place is the almost torn down bathroom, the garage before the gate where the dogs are around to watch over the house which where dad is usually is hanging out during the day, and the bedroom which I dim most of the time with the windows using any bed sheet or blanket I can find in my own bed. Then take them off during the night time since the bedroom is a bit claustrophobic, we need the night air to be let inside so we can have fresh air during our sleep in the nightside of my life. We don't get to cook our own foods, we just order online from local canteens in the village and they send it here. Then we pay, no shipping fee since it's just a walking distance. Most people would just get their food there walking into that store. But my father is too afraid of the COVID since the COVID is strong with the new variants and it's spreading faster than the UK Variant itself here in the Philippines no matter how much protection you wear, a PPE even, even if you would wear an astronaut attire you would definitely still get infected no matter what right after you disinfect your entire body with alcohol and take a bath and change your clothes. By the next few days, you're already fatigued and having a hard time breathing worse than my anxiety attacks. Since there are still no vaccines outside, my father trusts me. I am careful. Since I am a vampire I cannot be infected by mere contagion. I spent the day doing an errand and he asked me. I went to Guagua where his doctor's building and his own pharmacy lives. I was asked to take a temperature check. Surprisingly, they saw my temperature lower than average. I excused myself that I drank too many soft drinks mixed with a lot of ice. He said okay. But I was drinking hot coffee that morning. And caffeine without the heat of the boiling water increases your body temperature as I've studied by myself. Then here I am, in front of the pharmacy which you cannot enter but buy through the window. I gave them the prescription and I asked for a receipt just in case father would think I'm lying about the price just so I can steal money from him. I wouldn't do that, well, at least I used to. Then I paid, took the change, took the medication paper bag, and then went home. I was rewarded with all of the change from the money. It had more money than I would expect from a fool's errand reward. So, I went outside in the daytime to visit the church archives to rest in my coffin.

I spent the time sleeping in blissful slumber in the daytime then woke up at sundown. I walked outside and saw the skies were quite red. I climbed up to the church tower at the cross. Looking all over the horizon, I saw the sunset, I was about to leap of faith until I saw there is nothing to land on without hurting myself so I disappointedly climbed down which is harder than jumping off a church tower above the cross and landing safely on a stack of garbage piles. What's so scary about freerunning and parkour is that when you climbed down from something high you get a sense of dread and a near-death experience as if you're going to make a mistake and fall off, but when you climb up your adrenaline surges up through your body without having to look down on fear. But here I have to look down just to see which I step on in case I fall off. Then safely jumped off the final close ledge that was the outside of the second floor of the church and leaped off and rolled onto the ground as a recovery from the fall then stood back up.

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