Book II - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - HOARD immunity

It is the year 2023, I've been hanging out around with Jonathan but I call him Kiryu which he has gotten used to. I told him about the legendary Kiryu's story and about his best friend Majima which we quite fit well for a bromance such as this. Today I got my arm tattooed as a red dragon. Same tattoo Kiryu in Ryu Ga Gotoku/Gokudo game series has on his back but it's on my right arm. And a Hannya Japanese Demon Woman tattoo on my left arm. The pandemic is over in the Philippines, the vaccine producers have increased the immunity rate up to 209.1% since the variants have been making the vaccinated citizens still infected and it was spreading extremely fast. Even if the pandemic was gone, the face mask has been my style even since way before the pandemic happened but I no longer wear a face shield. And of course, I had enough money for my hooded leather coat. I jumped from roof to roof to go to Kiryu's place for a surprise visit.

"Oh hey, Shi-san."

"Oh, c'mon now no need to be formal Kiryu-chan, just call me Prince Alucard."

"You live in many worlds as one person don't yah?"

"Indeed so. I came here for a surprise visit."

"Do come in then bro."

"Thanks, brother."

I came inside and he gave me a cigarette and coffee.

"So... what have you been up to?"

"Ah me? Same old same old. But not the kind of Gokudo I used to be... I am more interested in doing jobs for the Order of the Shroud. The Gokudo hit jobs can wait but there are still ghoulish creatures out there killing people. It's going to be the zombie motherfuckin' apocalypse if I don't stop it now."

"So, yeah, the boss gave me a job for you. Just some loan shark job for you."

"Keep the money, I'll do it."

"I'm sorry I can't take this."

"No, it's a treat. Don't worry about me." I chugged the black coffee

"Black coffee, just like the way you like it. You are a hard drinker since um... March 2021, when there was a heavy pandemic. Yeah, I saw you grabbed a cup of mixed energy drinks and chugged it all without flinching or stopping at all. I was shocked by that. Then you puffed your cigarette like no problem. I've never seen someone that crazy."

"Crazy me is but the shadow of my former self, I just vamp out and wolf out in the night. But during the day I just sleep."

"Yeah, how's your dad?"

"My mom is at home too now. She retired a few years ago, by the end of 2021."

"You said you're going to college."

"I wanted to, but I wanted to go to Oxford University."

"The school that bred the most powerful vaccine in the world? Do you want to be a scientist? A doctor?"

"A blood doctor. A hematologist, as I said, you're a good listener but you barely understand my inhumane speech of superior intelligence."

"Yeah, it looked like you never aged a bit. You're a hella lot smarter than before when we first talked. You wanted to refrain from talking too much of your own well... inhuman genius stuff, I don't even know where you got that kind of IQ. All I know is that my brother is a vampire. Even if you try to refrain, you sound almost like you're from London."

"London is my home, and Oxford University is in London."

"Really? You've been to London for sure."

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