Chapter 74: Bullet

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Mavis' pov

Long orange hair is being dragged on the ground. Following it with my gaze, it looked like the one it owned was in the lounge, just up the long hall.

I don't have my cloth wrapped around my eyes, because I know that, if something happened, they wouldn't hesitate to knock me out.

Daichi walks besides me, looking down at his phone with a slight frown on his face. I don't ask what's going on, if he wants to tell me, he would.

I could hear people talking from where I was walking, it grew louder and clearer the closer I got to the entrance of the lounge room. There was no door, just a big gap for everyone to get inside, doesn't matter what size.

When I stopped to look inside the room, I looked at everyone that was there. 13 people. I don't know 2 of them, they are new. The big iron door from the corner of the room, the right side, flew open. And an enraged Amren emerged. 'Oh, that's bad.'

The black haired woman walked towards Becca with barely controlled anger. Rebecca, a woman with black wavy hair with blue streaks. Bronze, iron skin. If there was one person that would pick a fight with Amren out of fun, it would be Becca.

Amren stopped in front of the couch, where Becca was seated comfortably. One leg was dropped over the arm of the couch, a bolt in her right hand. She stopped in the middle of shoving the bolt into her mouth and looked up at the woman in front of her. "Can I help you with something, dear Amren?" She purred, plopping the bolt into her mouth and eating it.

I don't know how her teeth do it, but the only things she can eat are gold and different types of iron. She once said that food that we consume isn't appetizing for her. She would taste out everything that is inside it, and at the same time, it would taste like shit to her.

"Did you take the necklace that I got from Helion?" Amren's voice sounded stern, powerful, as always. But it was at the ends clipped. Becca hummed, still chewing on the bolt.

Swallowing, the smile never left her colored, dark purple, lips. "Oh, yeah. It was delicious." No, she didn't- "You know how much I love gold. It's like chocolate to me." An eye blink later, and Amren was on top of Becca. One hand in her black hair, pulling at it so that Rebecca looks up to Amren, the other one punching in on her metal-face.

At the first punch, there was a sickening loud crack. Amren broke her bones, but she didn't stop punching. Her quirk allows her to soften things. It lets her deform things' material, and she uses it right now to soften Becca's skin so much, that it would be as if she punches skin.

Becca is only made out of steel on the outside. She can still bleed. So when Amren's fist collided with Becca's face for the fourth time, Becca moved and flipped them both off from the couch, making them roll on the marble floor. Becca was now on top of Amren, one knee pushed onto Amren's chest, while the other one let's her balance better so she could punch Amren with all her strength, and block her legs from moving.

Becca's skin of her hand was still steel, hard. So when she punched the woman under her in the face, Amren's head snapped to her right side. She didn't have time to really feel the pain, because Becca punched again, but this time with her left fist. Amren's head moved in sync with her fist when it collided with her upper cheekbone.

Amren wiggled her left arm out from under Becca, she stopped Becca's next punch, gripping her wrist in a painful looking hold. Amren sneered up at the woman on top of her. Her lips curled on top of her teeth, showing us that they were drenched in blood. Either she bit the inside of her cheek or she lost a tooth.

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