Hello and Welcome To The Afterlife, Would You Like To Die Again?

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     I would say I've died before, but that would be a lie, dying was in fact a first for me, and I have to say it was a zero out of ten experience and I would not recommend it, although I don't yet know of anywhere I could file a complaint.

     Awaking after death was a better experience. Now as I said earlier, I was just stabbed, but when I awoke after getting stabbed it seemed like I hadn't gotten stabbed, if that makes any sense at all, which, to me, it did not. In fact, it seemed as though I'd never gotten hurt before in my life, which was obviously a lie, considering I'd lived on the streets for nearly two years.

     And another thing that was odd, I'd lived on the streets for nearly two years, where had all the dirt gone? Where was the giant rip in my jeans just by my left knee? Why do my hair and skin feel like they were just washed? Where were all the loose threads on the sweater that was too big for me what seemed to be just a few seconds ago? Why did I suddenly have both shoes again? Why do my clothes smell like lemons? The normal sort of questions you ask when it seems like you somehow avoided death when you most certainly should've died.

     Step two of recovery from death, observe your surroundings, which, for me, was a tall building, a large door, and a large wall surrounding the area outside the large door, which did not for whatever reason have a front gate. In fact, there only seemed to be two things of importance within that walled off area, a tall birch tree with white bark and somehow gold leaves, and a bronze plaque that said the same thing in both Norse and English

                            Welcome to the Glove of Glasir.

                             No Soliciting. No Loitering.

         Hotel Deliveries: Please Use The Niflheim Entrance.

     Fun, now I had something else to add to the constantly growing list of odd things that had happened to me or happened in front of me so far today. Apart from the Fire Giant attack and me dying, so far today had been pretty okay in my opinion. I attempted to jump and look over the wall, as I said previously, I used to be great at the high jump, so I was a pretty good jumper, but either I'd become an even better jumper in just a few minutes, or something about death had changed me, or both.

     Just as I landed on the ground again, the large doors opened up and light spilled out, and out came someone who appeared to be a doorman, or at least he half looked the part, with the uniform, however, he had a crazy beard, and a double-bladed ax, and his name tag said: Hunding, Saxony, Valued Team Member Since 749 C.E.

     " Err... Hello?"

      " You died pretty early in the day. Come on, let's get you checked in."

     " I'm sorry, checked in?"

     " Come on, I'll bring you to registration."

     Well if I wasn't already aware there was some form of magic around this place I definitely knew it as soon as I stepped through the front door, the Foyer alone was twice as big as the building appeared from the outside, there was a fireplace on one wall the size of your average bedroom, and one of the many animal skins scattered on the floor seemed to have come from a huge forty-foot-long reptile... oh and I forgot to even mention the notice board.

                            Todays Activities

Single Combat To The Death!- Oslo Room, 10 a.m.

Group Combat To The Death!-Stockholm Room, 11 a.m.

     Buffet Lunch To The Death!-Dining Hall, 12 p.m.

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