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     The chapter title pretty much sums up my reaction to my uncle appearing out of a walnut.

     I glared at my uncle." Sorry, Randolph, but A: It's not time for the gifts yet, and B: I don't exactly feel inclined to give it to you after you knocked me out and stabbed one of my friends."

     " Please, I was supposed to bring it today, until your brother took it," he explained." I-I need it."

     " Loki won't give you what you want," Magnus stated." Your family is gone."

     Randolph blinked." Magnus, Willow, you don't understand-"

     " No sword. Not until we see Thor's hammer."

     " The hammer is the morgen-gifu, silly human," King Thrym reminded my brother." It will not be given until after the wedding night!"

     " And yet," I said," the hammer can be used to bless the wedding, if the bride requests it, considering it is her right. Summon the hammer so we know you have it, then we can use it for the ceremony and you can put it back."

     " I don't think so, Willow Chase," Loki said with a laugh." Nice try though, now Skofnung-"

     " Hold on," Thrynga interrupted." The girl is within her rights. If she wants the blessing of the hammer, she should have it. Or does my brother wish to break our sacred tradition?"

     "," Thym muttered." That is, yes. My bride, Samirah, may receive the blessing. At the proper time in the ceremony, I will bring forth Mjolnir. Shall we begin?"

     No one argued, so instead some giants began setting up for the wedding. By which I mean they put down a bench, covered it with furs, placed some columns next to it, and gave Thrym a stone crown.

     " Girl, you stand there," Thrynga instructed Alex." Between your father and your husband-to-be."

     When Alex didn't move, Loki spoke again." Come now, daughter. Don't be shy. Stand next to me."

     Alex did so, however reluctantly, as Sam, Magnus, and I stood near each other.

     " The cup!" Thrym called to his followers.

     One giant stepped forward, and handed a goblet to his king.

     Thrym took a drink, before offering the cup to Alex." Samirah Al-Abbas bint Loki. I give you drink, and with it the binding promise of my love. By my troth, you shall be my wife."

     Alex hesitantly took the cup, before looking around, unsure of what to do.

     " You need not speak, girl," Thrynga informed her." Just drink!"

     Alex did so, barely lifting her veil to take a si.

     " Excellent," the giantess said." Now, at last, the mundr. Give me the sword, girl."

     Thrym stopped her." Sister, no. The sword does not go to you."

     " What!? I am your only kin, the bride price must pass through my hands!"

     " I have an arrangement with Loki," the king argued, before turning to me." Girl, give the sword to your uncle. He will hold it."

     I glanced around at my surroundings, trying to figure out what the best course of action was in this situation. Before I could respond, Magnus spoke up.

     " I told you Thrym. No hammer. No sword."

     " Magnus, you must," Randolph stated." This is the order of the ceremony. Mundr must be given first, and each wedding requires an ancestral sword to put the rings on. The blessing of the hammer comes afterward."

     " What is it boy?" Thrym asked." I have already promised that the traditional rights will be observed. Do you not trust us?"

     I glanced towards Sam, the only voice of reason.

     She looked towards me and signed No choice. But watch him.

     I nodded towards her before taking a step towards my uncle and handing over the sword, along with its stone.

     Lowering my voice, I looked him in the eye." The choice is yours now, whatever you do will affect us all."

     Then I stepped back.

     Randolph knelt in front of the bench, holding the sword horizontally before the giant king.

     Thrym placed the wedding rings on the blade before hovering his hand above them." Ymir, ancestor of the gods and giants, hear my words. These rings signify our marriage."

     He picked up the rights and placed one on his hand and the other on Alex's.

     " Brother," Thrynga spoke." Honor your promise."

     " Yes, yes," The king said." Samirah, my dear, please sit. Giants, stand ready. You will surround the hammer and bring it here. You will hold it over my bride, very carefully, while we say the blessing. Then I will immediately send it back into the earth until tomorrow morning, my sweet, when it will be officially your morgen-gifu. After that, I'll be sure to keep it safe for you."

     The king raised a hand and scrunched his face, before the cave began shaking again and the ground opened up a few yards away as Thor's hammer rose from the earth.

     Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Magnus sign Watch Randolph before racing over to the goats again and whispering something to Otis.

     " Bring the hammer here," Thrym commanded the giants." Be quick about it!"

     " Yes, and while you're doing that," Loki said." Randolph, cut me free."

     Apparently, that's when the bride decided to go back to being Alex Fierro.

A/N: Nothing much to say today, so as always, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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