This Original Title Was Too Long

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You Know, If This Book Doesn't Work Out, I Could Write A Guide On How-Not-To-Be-Killed-By-Friendly-Giants.

     Things went well for about five seconds. Sam managed to fly us in ( avoiding any attempted murder on the way there), before landing in front of a giant I assumed was Utgard Loki, a giant I'd had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting a few months ago.

     " We claim guest rights!" The valkyrie immediately stated.

     Utgard Loki squinted down at us, specifically looking towards me." Three of you have arrived, but where is your brother Willow Chase?"

     " He's taking a different route here, but should be arriving soon," I answered." Any helpful information you may have would be appreciated, but if you could give it to us as soon as Magnus gets here. We're on a bit of a tight schedule."

     " We'll see what happens. For the mean time, you and your friends should be comfortable here until your brother arrives," Utgard Loki said, before going back to doing something else.

     A different giant approached us," May I offer you three a seat?"

     Almost immediately, Sam, Hearth, and I shook our heads, remembering what had happened the last time we interacted with Giants.

     " No thank you," I replied for all three of us." We'll be fine sitting here. I doubt a chair would be more comfortable for us anyway, considering how large your seats would be compared to us."

     The giant shrugged before walking away.

     Unfortunately, while that was the first time we may have almost been killed, it certainly wasn't the last. We nearly got killed six more times before my brother finally arrived.

     We sat around for quite a while, just waiting, before eventually becoming restless when none of our other friends arrived.

     Sam eventually walked over to the bartender." Excuse me? Can I get something to drink?"

     The giant behind the bar grinned, taking out a mug and filling it up with beer." Why of course!" Then he picked her up and dropped her into the cup.

     Hearth and I ran over, before attempting to break through the cup, eventually succeeding when Hearth pulled out a runestone to crack the glass in half.

     Things like that kept happening. When we asked about where the restrooms were, we got dropped into a toilet. When Hearth attempted to get some sleep, he almost got crushed by a bunch of bowling balls in a ball return machine. At one point when I asked about changing the temperature to something warmer, I had to barely avoid getting lit on fire.

     Even after that, there was an incident with a cat that we couldn't seem to pick up ( don't ask, I don't know why we even tried when the same 'cat' tricked Thor in an old story). Then there was the time when someone offered to move us off the table when all the giants were about to eat dinner, and when we accepted ( thinking someone was actually trying to be nice and stop us from get squashed by plates and glasses), Sam fly Hearth and I to safety to stop us from being dropped on a pit of spikes.

     Finally, there was my least favorite incident. Dinner.

     We had specifically worded our request to avoid anything bad from happening. We required plates and food that were the right size for an average human, and we would not eat near the other giants. When we got our food, they ended up dumping hundreds and hundreds of plates ( all covered with different foods) on us. I had to dragg the others to a nearby flower pot to hide in the dirt for the rest of the night after that experience.

     The following day, we were just minding our own business ( avoiding death), when suddenly Utgard Loki snatched the three of us up. A moment later, my brothers voice spoke.

     " Big boy."

     " Magnus Chase!" The giant yelled across the hall." So glad you could make it!"

A/N: Yet again, sorry for the short chapter. I had to work with the details given to me in the book, but also attempt to add my own ideas, which unfortunately didn't take a lot of words to explain ( I don't know if that's unfortunate or not, to be honest). I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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