Man, Wolves Am I Right?

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     Alex, Just like every other einherji I'd seen be asked the same question, most definitely did not look ready to dazzle anyone with any glorious deeds.

     " Alex." Helgi's voice could be heard throughout the hall." Son of Loki!"

     " Daughter," the green-haired girl corrected." Unless I tell you otherwise, it's daughter."

     Quite a few of the thanes looked confused, and one asked," What now?"

     Helgi already looked like he'd had quite enough of Alex Fierro." As you wish, daughter of Loki-"

     " And don't feel obliged to mention my dad, I don't like him very much."

     " Very well, person who is the child of some parent." Helgi decided, sounding less happy by the second." Let us see your exploits, courtesy of Valkyrie vision!"

     And so, we watched the video, starting at seven in the morning. Where it a movie, I might've found it as entertaining as the other einherji found it, but considering this was all happening to a friend, I was much less happy. The video started at where I assumed to be Sam's house. We'd been watching for less than a minute when I realized what was going on. The wedding. Someone, and I'm assuming it had been Loki, had told Sam's grandparents about her new fiance. Then the video left her house, and headed towards the cafe that she and Magnus had met at this morning while the rest of us were sleeping in.

     It looked like she got a text message, and then she moved again, the camera heading to somewhere else in the city, ending up in an alleyway with three wolves and a man who appeared to be homeless. We watched him attempt to protect himself from the beasts for a few minutes, before none other than Alex Fierro arrived ( well, we were watching her death so I didn't know what else we were supposed to expect). Then the battle began, she went back and forth between being an animal and being a human, fighting well in any form she took. The battle went on for quite some time ( much longer than either of my battles with Surt) before eventually one of the wolves killed her.

     Everything was silent for a minute, before the applause began, which, out of all the times I'd watched the einherji react to people's deaths, had never happened before with this many people clapping for one single einherjar.

     " Alex Fierro!" Helgi's voice was somehow louder than the crowd." You fought against great odds, with no thought for your own safety, to save a weaker man. You offered this man a weapon, a chance to redeem himself in battle and achieve Valhalla! Such bravery and honor in a child of Loki is truly exceptional. It's true that we have learned not to judge Loki's children too harshly. Recently, Samirah Al-Abbas was accused of un-Valkyrie-like behavior, and we forgave her. Here again is proof of our wisdom!"

     For whatever reason, all the thanes looked proud of themselves at this.

     " Not only that," the hotel manager continued." But such heroism from an argr! I don't even know what to say. Truely, Alex Fierro, you have risen above what we could expect from one of your kind. To Alex Fierro! To bloody death!"

     " Bloody death!" The Einherjar echoed.

     " You still think Alex is a legitimate einherji?" Mallory muttered." If Loki wanted to place an agent in Valhalla, he couldn't have arranged a better introduction."

     Magnus didn't answer, and just continued to eat his meal before suddenly looking up at the tree, before a leaf fell down on his head.

A/N: Once again, I convinced myself I had more time to write then I actually did. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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