Sure Do Love Dragons...

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     As Weird as it sounds, I got used to running into battle about two weeks into being an Einherjar. We broke into three subsections of our group, T.J. and I took care of the long-range fighting, Halfborn and Mallory racing up to people and killing them, and Magnus and Alex just... hanging around I guess?

     We made our way through the battlefield, four of us fighting for our lives and two of us just chatting ( I'm pretty sure Magnus and Alex didn't even kill a single Einjerhar) before a dragon landed in front of us.

     " ARGH!" Halfborn yelled, which was his way of warning us about the dragon directly in front of us.

     T.J. and I both fired at it, but both the bullets and arrows just bounced off of it.

     " This isn't good," Alex stated, staring at the beast.

     " No kidding," Magnus replied." You go right, I'll go left, we'll flank it-"

     " No, I mean this isn't just any dragon. That's Grimwolf, one of the ancient worms."

     " How do you know?" My brother asked." And why would anybody call a dragon Grimwolf?"

     Mallory turned to them." Are you two going to help, or just stand there and chat?"

     " And, for all our sakes," I added, swapping out the bow and arrow for my sword." I hope you're going with option one."

     Alex Fierro pulled out a small wire with wooden handles at either end." Grimwolf is one of the dragons that live at the roots of Yggdrasil. He shouldn't be here, no one would be crazy enough to... He sent it for me, he knows I'm here."

     " Who? What?"

     Choosing not to answer, Alex simply said," Distract him," and proceeded to climb a nearby tree.

     " Distract him," Magnus repeated." Sure."

     Then he proceeded to charge at the dragon with a yell of," Frey!"

     As the dragon, 'Grimwolf', turned to my brother, who was apparently the most interesting meal out of all of us, causing Halfborn, Mallory, T.J., and I to gratefully back away from the beast.

     " All yours, buddy!"

     Grimwolf opened his mouth, and attempted to bight Magnus, but just as he struck, my brother dropped to his knees, barely avoiding getting his head bitten off by the lindworm.

     " Magnus!" I yelled, only slightly out of fear but mostly to question what the hel just happened.

     " Get up, you fool!"

     Magnus suddenly looked very out of it, as if he was seeing something the rest of us weren't, which, knowing this mythology like I did, seemed like it was very possible.

A/N: I'm going to try and get through this Author's Note as fast as possible due to being very tired at the moment. I'm sorry for not updating in a few days, Saturday was a mental health day and Sunday was kind of an unplanned extension of that. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

Eternity | T.J.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora