I Hate Whoever Built This Place.

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     Just like the good old days, five of us walking into danger with skill sets that would probably be of no use in the given situation, except, at this moment, they did have someone of use for the situation.

     They'd been walking around for a little while, before Blitz suddenly stopped by a crack in the pavement.

     " Aha!" He turned to the rest of us with a grin." Now you see kid? You never would've found this without a dwarf. You would've walked around forever, looking for the entrance to the tomb, and-"

     " That crack is the entrance?"

     " It's the trigger for the entrance, yeah. But we'll still need some magic to get in. Willow, can you double-check that this is the place?"

     I nodded, before stepping forward and placing a hand on the crack, as soon as I felt dirt underneath my fingers, I moved through the earth, appearing in what I assumed to be a cave, but it was dark. Thankfully, while I may not be able to heal or knock weapons out of people's hands, I can turn into a human flashlight, so I extended a hand and allowed it to glow, before staring at the underground cave that lay before me.

     Looking around, it seemed like this was most definitely a tomb of some sort, surrounding me were twelve alcoves in the walls, each of which had what I assumed to be a dead corpse in it, and there was also a giant metal box in the very center of the room. So, of course, this was the right place, I stuck my arm into the ceiling to give the others a thumbs up.

     Before I could go much farther into investigating the cave, there was a rumbling sound above me. Having a good guess as to what was about to happen, I stopped glowing and tried to head through the floor to safety, only nothing happened. Whatever the ground was made of, it wasn't the dirt I was used to working with. So my only option was to attempt to run out of the way.

     I barely made it to safety before a pile of rocks came crashing down, accompanied by my friends and a 'snap' of some sort.

     My brother's voice came from the pile of rocks." Hold on, man."

     " What's going on?" I heard Blitz ask." Who's elbow is this?"

     " That's me," Sam spoke up." Everyone okay?"

     " Hearth has a broken ankle, I need to fix it. You guys keep watch."

     " It's totally dark!"

     " You're a dwarf," Sam pointed out, as I walked over and helped her up." I thought you thrived underground."

     " I do! Preferably in a well-lit and tastefully decorated underground. Willow, do you mind? None of us can see anything."

     I nodded ( not like he could see) before beginning to glow again, illuminating the tomb once more as Magnus began to glow as well as he healed Hearth. Even though he could only glow when healing and I could glow whenever I felt like it, I definitely got the short end of the stick because healing is a lot more useful than sometimes being used as a flashlight.

     Thanks. Hearth signed once his ankle was back to normal.

     " No problem man."

     " So, Magnus," Blitz said, his voice suddenly sounding much less optimistic now." You might want to look around."

     " Well this is perfect," my brother remarked sarcastically." They're going to wake up, aren't they? Those ten guys-"

     " Twelve," Sam interjected.

     " Twelve guys," Magnus corrected himself." With big swords."

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