I'm Surprised None Of Us Died In This Chapter.

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     I woke up freezing. T.J. and I had fallen asleep talking at the table in the galley, making the cold even worse considering we didn't have blankets, sheets, or anything else keeping us warm. After piling on different layers in an attempt not to freeze, we both joined the others on deck and began working on pulling Mikillgulr through the ice of Niffleheim.

     Our only comfort came from Hearth pulling out a rune, one that looked like <. Kenaz, as the rune was called, summoned a flame above us, which slightly helped with the freezing cold.

     " B-Blitz, you don't look affected," Magnus said, in reference to the cold, as the two of them, as well as Mallory and I, settled at the oars to help push our way through the ice.

     " Dwarves do well in the cold," he explained." You, Willow, and I will be the last ones to freeze to death, but that's not much comfort.

     We continued along our path for who knows how long, the hours passed by without the weather getting any better, and we were all getting more and more tired as time went by.

     " And this is the nicest part of Niflheim," Jack grumbled, having finally given up on attempting to be optimistic about our situation." You should see the cold regions."

    More time passed, and we'd been at this nearly all day before Mallory finally spotted something in the distance.

     " Hey! Look!"

     Immediately, everyone rushed towards the prow of the ship to see what she was looking at. A little ways away, along a line of cliffs, there was a peninsula with that looked like fires flickering at the top of it.

     Thinking that was our best option at the moment, we attempted to start steering Mikillgulr towards the cliffs, only to get quickly stopped by ice that was to thick for us to cut through.

     " W-walk for it," Blitzen recommended." We pair up for warmth. G-get across the ice to the shore. Maybe we find shelter."

     No one had a better idea so, once we'd gathered any spare clothing and blankets, we turned our ship back into its handkerchief form before beginning to make our way across the ice on foot.

     Everyone began to pair up, and eventually we got into four groups, three with two people, one with three, with Jack leading the way. Following the sword were Blitzen, Hearthstone, and Halfborn Gunderson ( a group that looked odd considering the height difference), then after them were Samirah and Mallory Keen, followed by T.J. and I with Magnus and Alex Fierro taking up the rear.

     Eventually, we reached the cliff.

     T.J. leaned against my shoulder." I-I have g-gunpowder. C-could make a f-fire?"

     " I-I'll try to shape the rock," Blitzen said as he stared at the wall." Maybe I can dig us a cave."

     While it seemed like a great idea at first, the second the dwarf attempted to dig his hand into the rock, the cliff started shaking and a bright light began outlining a door that swung open, and, lucky us, the door revealed a very angry looking Giantess.

     " Who dares rock-shape my front door?"

     " Uh, I-" Blitz began before the giantess cut him off.

     " Why should I not kill you all? Or perhaps, since you look half-dead already, I'll just close my door and let you freeze!"

     " W-wait!" Magnus said quickly." Sk-Skadi... You're Skadi, right? I-I'm M-Magnus Chase. Njord is my sister and my's grandfather. H-He sent me to f-find you."

     Skadi ( at least I assumed she was Skadi, considering she didn't say her name was something else) looked a bit irritated, but thankfully didn't kill us." All right, frozen boy. That gets you in the door. Once you've all thawed out and explained yourselves, I'll decide whether or not to use you for archery targets."

A/N: Honestly, my only options for this chapter were to either go into crazy detail, or let the chapter be shorter than I preferred, and I ended up going with option B, so sorry about how short this chapter was. I'm also not going to be updating tomorrow as I'm taking that as my mental health day for the month so, once again, I apologize. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

Eternity | T.J.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora