Is This A Regular Occurrence?

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     First thing I noticed when I regained consciousness was that we were definitely no longer in the tomb. My best guess was that we were on a small airplane, and that we'd just boarded. Magnus and Hearth sat on either side of me, and at the seats opposite sat Amir Fadlan and a petrified Blitzen.

     A man I didn't recognize stood in the aisle." So my dears, have you ever flown in a Citation XLS before?"

     " Uh... no," my brother answered." I think I would remember."

     " Well, as your co-pilot on this flight-" At this, I looked up to the pilot's seat to see who was flying. Apparently, I'd missed a lot, because Sam was the one in the captain's seat." It's my job to give you a quick safety briefing. The main exit is here-" he tapped on the only door in sight." In case of emergency, if Sam and I aren't able to open it for you, you- SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO ME MAGNUS CHASE."

     All of a sudden his voice changed.

     Sam turned around to see what was going on." Barry?"


     " Wh-what's wrong with him!?" Amir looked rightfully freaked out." That's not Barry."

     " No," Magnus agreed." That's my favorite assassin."


     I looked at Sam," I'm willing to guess he's not normally like this?"

     " No, he's got to be possessed or something."

     " You're the goat killer," Magnus accused whoever was using Barry's body." The guy who was watching me from the tree branch at the feast."

     " Goat-killer?" Amir repeated." Tree-branch?"

     " SEEK OUT HEIMDALL," Probably-Not-Barry continued." HE WILL POINT YOU IN MY DIRECTION. BRING THE OTHER, ALEX FIERRO. SHE IS NOW YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR SUCCESS- and that covers everything, any questions?"

     His voice suddenly went back to how it had been before. All of us except Sam and Blitz ( who physically couldn't) shook our heads.

     " Okay then. Headsets are in the compares next to you if you want to talk to us in the cockpit. It's a very short flight to Norwood Memorial. Sit back and enjoy!"

     Enjoy was not a word I'd use to describe the rest of the flight, especially when it came to sitting back.

     For most of my life I'd been on the move, back when Magnus and I were kids Mom would take us on camping trips all the time, almost every weekend, and I'd always be constantly moving around on those trips, I'd like to go wandering in the woods for ages, lead mom and Magnus on hiking trips, and just explore.

     When school started, that didn't stop. While I was part of the student body government, I was also in a lot of after-school sports, Long Jump being my main one but P.E. had always been one of my favorite activities because it meant I wasn't stuck at a desk. That didn't necessarily mean I wasn't a good student, I had some of the best grades in my class, and Mom liked to brag about how smart her kids were, but I wasn't very good at sitting around and resting.

     Living on the streets definitely didn't help with that problem. We were almost always on the move, and we had to be in order to survive. It was always go-go-go, and I honestly didn't mind that part so much.

     Nothing changed when we got to Valhalla either. While Magnus calmed down and started doing more average day-to-day stuff, I just signed up for nearly everything Valhalla offered, and when there wasn't anything hotel-related going on for a while, I'd work on something else. My hotel room quickly became filled with random art projects, I started learning to cook random foods, a good portion of my time was either spent in my library or gym, and I even created my own DnD campaign to play with Halfborn, Mallory, and T.J.

     So, long story short, sitting back and enjoying the flight was pretty much impossible, and I literally spent nearly the entire flight thinking about that subject along and going through my life's story in my head.

     I got snapped out of my thought process when Magnus spoke to me.

     " We're getting off the plane now."

     I looked out the window." We're still in the air."

     " Yeah, I was confused about the same thing, but according to Sam and Hearth, it's fine."

     "... Alright, sounds safe enough."

     Hearth, Magnus, and I all got up, as the elf harnessed himself to Blitz with his scarf to keep the dwarf safe.

     " Good luck," Sam said to us." I'll see you back in Midgard, assuming... you know."

     We all knew what she meant. If we survived.

     A moment later, we were floating through the air. We didn't even get off the plane, the plane just seemed to disappear in midair. Then we started plummeting through the sky, which seemed like a pretty normal thing to happen to us.

A/N: So at one point during the chapter, I just decided to start going way too deep into part of my own life ( the part about thinking about something for no reason whatsoever: in this case Willow thinking about her entire life's story) and other problems that I sort of connect to but kind of don't, and now I'm ranting for absolutely no reason so I'll just end the chapter here. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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