Most Of Us Are Going For The Green Theme, And Then There's Magnus.

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     Honestly, I slept surprisingly well, although considering how little I'd slept recently, it probably wasn't that much of a surprise how quickly I fell asleep in the safety of a god's home, knowing that at least three friends, plus a magical talking sword, were close by.

     The following morning, I made it to breakfast around the same time as my brother did ( which was a rarity, considering he's usually at least five minutes late to every meal). The other pair of siblings were already there, waiting for us, neither of them looking like they'd slept much.

     " Where?" Sam asked almost immediately.

     Magnus took out the invitation and looked at it, before showing the rest of us what it said. When: Today! At 10 a.m. Are you excited?!? Where: Proceed To The Taco Bell On I-93 South of Manchester, NH. Await Further Instructions. NO AESIR OR THE HAMMER GETS IT!

     " Taco Bell?" Alex asked." Those monsters."

     " Something's not right," Sam said." Magnus, all night I was thinking about what you said. We are missing something important, and I don't mean the hammer."

     " Perhaps, you're missing the appropriate clothes," Sif said as she appeared out of practically nowhere. She looked at Alex." My husband tells me you want to play dress up. I suppose it will be easier than putting Thor in a wedding dress, but we have a lot of work to do. Come along, you as well Willow, you should be the simplest to take care of."

     I wasn't sure what exactly she meant by that, with Sam and Alex it was obvious, they needed to not look like who they actually were ( and in Alex's case she had to specifically appear to be someone else) but Magnus shouldn't be that difficult.

     " If we're not back in an hour," Alex told the others." It means I have strangled Sif and am hiding the body."

     I sighed before following the other two down the hallway.

     Over an hour later, Alex Fierro and I reemerged, the green-haired girl looking absolutely beautiful, now in outfits more fit for a wedding ( although I wasn't sure what the dress code was for a giant wedding).

     " Sister!" Sam greeted." You look amazing! So do you, Willow!"

     I nodded my head." Thank you."

     " Magnus," Alex said." Could ou please stop staring at me as if I'm going to murder you?"

     " I wasn't-"

     " Because if you don't, I will murder you."

     " Right."

     Sif smiled." Judging from the reaction of our male test subject, I think my work here is done, except for one thing."

     The goddess pulled what looked like a thin golden rope from around her waist, something that looked similar to Alex's garrote, which was her usual weapon, only in addition to being gold, each handle looked like an S. Sif placed the weapon around Alex's waist, the two S's forming the symbol that supposedly belonged to Loki.

     " There," She said." This weapon, fashioned from my own hair, has the same properties as your other garrote, except that it goes with your outfit, and it is not from Loki. May it serve you well, Alex Fierro."

     Our green-haired friend looked slightly shocked." I-I don't know how to thank you, Sif."

     " Perhaps we can both try harder not to judge based on first impressions, eh?"

     " That... yeah. Agreed."

     " And if you get the chance," the goddess continued." Strangling your father with a garrote made from my magical hair would seem quite appropriate." She turned to Samirah." Now, my dear, let us see what we can do for the maid of honor."

     She and Sam left the room.

     " I, um..." Magnus said to Alex." What did you say to Sif? She seems to like you now."

     " I can be very charming," the girl replied." And don't worry, it'll be your turn soon."

     " To be charming?"

     " That would be impossible. But at least you can get cleaned up. I need my chaperone to look much spiffier."

     When Magnus reappeared after getting changed, Alex and I both burst into laughter considering he looked ready to go to a disco rather than to a wedding.

     " Oh my gods," Alex exclaimed." You look like you're on your way to a Vegas wedding in 1987."

     " In your own words. Shut up."

     Alex approached my brother to straighten his tie, before stepping back." Yep, all better. Now we just need Sam- Oh, wow."

     We all looked towards Sam, who wore a dress the same shade of green as the dress I was wearing, only hers fit her religion while mine was just a basic dress, and, in my opinion, she looked much nicer than I did ( and definitely nicer than Magnus looked).

     " You look great," Magnus said." Also, I loved you in Assassin's Creed."

     " Ha, ha. I see you're ready for the prom. Alex, have you tried on your veil yet?"

     The answer was no, as we ( Sam and I) had to help her put it on, before moving it to cover her facial features to stop her from being recognized as not Sam.

     " My heroes," Sif treated, reappearing next to one of the rowan trees." It is time."

     Alex glanced through the rift that had opened." Where's the chariot?"

     " Waiting for you on the other side. Now go forth, my friends, and kill many giants."

     " You first, Magnus," Alex Fierro told him." If there are any hostiles, your tux will blind them."

     Sam and I both laughed ( Alex wasn't wrong about that), before my brother took a step through the tree.

A/N: We're nearly at the final battle for this book, which I'm kind of excited to write, but also kind of nervous to write. Also, the image above is ( hopefully unsurprisingly) the outfit Willow is wearing to the wedding, although I will be the first to admit, it's definitely not my best drawing. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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