More Dying!... This Seems To Be A Theme Here.

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     Magnus tried to get out of battle time by claiming he was allergic to dismemberment, unfortunately, it didn't work. Our new hallmates dragged us toward the combat arena, which looked about as big as Boston itself. There were walls surrounding it with balconies that had banners, shields, and catapults. The battlefield had clumps of forest, hills, pastures, a wide river, and several villages, and it was filled with Einherjar.

     My brother looked around at all the warriors, most of whom were wearing heavy armor ( although some were wearing close to nothing, one of the guys who stood out the most wasn't wearing much, but had 'COME AT ME BRO' painted on his chest).

     " I feel underdressed," Magnus remarked.

     " Armor does not make victory." X said as he cracked his knuckles." Neither do weapons."

     I felt that his idea of victory was screwed a bit in his and Halfborn's favor, both of them were some of the largest on the battlefield, and looking around at who we were going to fight, that was saying something.

     " Willow, Magnus," T.J. spoke as he fastened his bayonet to his rifle." If either of you want more than the basic equipment, you'll have to capture it or trade for it. The hotel armories take red gold, or they work a barter system."

     " Is that how you got your rifle?"

     " Nah, this is the weapon I died with. I hardly ever fire it. Bullets don't have much effect on Einherjar. Those guys out there with the assault rifles? That's all flash and noise. They're the least dangerous people on the field. But this bayonet? It's bone steel, a gift from my father. Bone steel works just fine."

     " Bone steel."

     " Yeah, you'll learn."

     Magnus looked around nervously." So which groups are we fighting against?"

     Halfborn clapped my brother on the back." All of them! Vikings fight in small groups, my friend. We are your shield brothers."

     " And shield sisters." Mallory added, placing a hand on my shoulder." Though some of us are shield idiots."

     " Stick with us." Halfborn continued, ignoring Mallory." And... well, you won't do fine. You'll both get killed quickly. But stick with us anyway. We'll wade into battle and slaughter as many as possible!"

     " That's your plan?"

     " Why would I have a plan?"

     " Oh, sometimes we do." T.J. spoke up." Wednesdays are siege warfare, that's more complicated. Thursdays they bring out the dragons."

     " Dragons?"

     " Today is free-for-all combat." Mallory said." I love Tuesdays."

     From all of the balconies, horns blasted, signaling the beginning of the battle. All around us, Einherji charged. A few minutes passed, and the battlefield was practically soaked in blood.

     Halfborn, T.J., X, Mallory, Magnus, and I stuck together as we got attacked ( which was probably Magnus's and my fault, if I'd learned anything at dinner last night, it was that the Einherji loved watching the new kids suffer). We stepped onto the battlefield, and an ax got thrown into Magnus's shield. Mallory threw her knife at the ax thrower.

     The Einherjar ( who now had a knife in his chest) fell to his knees with a laugh." Good one!" Before dying.

     That was the main reaction to death around here, responses to death ranged from ' Ah, that sucks' to ' I'll get you tomorrow Trixie!', and if it wasn't so gory, I might've found it funny.

     The first person I killed ( that was a weird thing to say), was one of the boys who had shoved Liz and me out of the way the night before in the hallway. His other friends were busy fighting Halfborn and T.J. ( X was fighting off an entire group on his own, and Mallory and Magnus were fighting a different group as well), and he held a broad sword, which was good news for me, as according to the Vala, I wasn't supposed to die to anything but a spear.

     " Come on, Chase, keep moving!" I heard Mallory yell." You'll get used to the pain after a while."

     " Great." My brother responded." Something to look forward to."

      T.J. pulled his bayonet from the faceplate of a set of medieval armor." Let's take that hill!"

     " Why?"

     " Is there something special about the hill?"

     " No. He just loves taking hills." Mallory responded." It's a Civil War thing."

     " Charge!" T.J. raised his rifle, but before he could take more than five steps, a javelin flew past Halfborn and I, hitting him in the back.

     " T.J.!"

     T.J. managed a weak smile, before face-planting in the mud.

     Another javelin came flying over, scraping my ear before landing in the ground a foot or so in front of me. I turned around, noticing a group of three Einherji, all wearing medieval armor, like the warrior T.J. had killed before he died. Two held swords, while the third held nothing, though it was evident he'd been the javelin thrower, because the other two covered him as he retrieved the two spears he'd thrown.

     The javelin Einherji signaled to his friends, sending them towards my remaining friends.

     " For Frigg's sake!" I heard Mallory curse." Willow's going to die to a spear anyway, come on newbie."

     I heard footsteps behind me as my friends fled for the woods, followed by the two knights with swords, leaving me to face the javelin knight.

     " So..." I said, attempting to make conversation with the person trying to kill me." Nice weather we're having today?"

     " Yes," He agreed, with what sounded like a smile." I've always been a fan of the snow."

     He threw his first javelin again, managing to hit my right arm, the one I was holding my sword in, causing me to drop the weapon.

     " I do hope you won't hold this against me, but it's always a fun time killing the new kids. You seem like a good warrior." With that, he threw a spear into my chest, and I dropped to the ground, dead.

A/N: While I was researching weapons ( swords specifically) for this chapter, I looked up 'Types of Swords' and after typing 'Types of' the two things in my search history for those words were 'Types of Aromantic' and 'Types of Tea' so now in my search history, I have Types of Aromantic, Tea, Swords, and Spears. Fun. Happy Pride month, something I forgot to mention yesterday, to all LGBTQIA+ and Allies ( Note, the A doesn't stand for Ally It stands for Abrosexual, Asexual, Allosexual, Aromantic, Agender, and probably others, three of which I am). And with that, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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