Why Would Someone With This Much Money Want Uncomfortable Chairs?

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     We moved into the living room, which seemed like it was wrongly named. Nothing aside from us was living in that room, or even in the whole house. As nice as the building looked, it was lifeless.

     Hearth set our dwarven friend down before he sat next to Magnus and I on one of the benches ( no cushions, of course) before his father sat across from us.

     " Inge," Alderman addressed the hulder." Refreshments."

     " Right away, sir," with that, she scurried off again.

     Mr. Alderman stared at his son." Your room is as you left it. I assume you will be staying?"

     Hearth shook his head before beginning to sign. We need your help. Then we will leave.

     " Use the slate, son," Alderman instructed, gesturing to a whiteboard on the table, the older elf turned to my brother and me." The slate encourages him to think before he speaks, if you can call that hand-waving speech."

     I was beginning to wonder if he ever thought before he spoke, but I bit down any rude statements in order to play my usual role as negotiator." We don't mean to bother you, however, we have a bit of an issue, Blitzen here-"

     " Has turned to stone," Alderman interrupted me." Yes, I can see that. Fresh running water will bring back a petrified dwarf. I don't see the issue."

     " Well, unfortunately, the certification is only part of the problem. There's a reason behind why he's petrified, and it's more complicated than just exposure to sunlight. He got wounded by a blade, more specifically the Skofnung Sword."

     Alderman appeared to be smiling slightly." Skofnung."

     " Yeah," my brother cut in." Is that funny?"

     " You've come here for my help," the older elf smiled." To heal this dwarf. You want the Skofnung Stone."

     " Yes, so you have it in your possession?"

     " Oh, certainly. I collect artifacts from all the nine worlds," Mr.Alderman explained." The Skofnung Stone was one of my first acquisitions. It was specifically enchanted to withstand the magical edges of the sword- to sharpen it if necessary- and, of course, to provide an instant remedy in the event some foolish wielder cut himself."

     " That's great," Magnus agreed." How do you heal with it?"

     " Quite simple, you touch the stone to the wound and the wound closes."

     " So... can we borrow it?"

     " No."

      No one seemed surprised at the response.

     Inge returned with a tray of drinks. I accepted the drink, took a sip, before going back to attempting to save my friend.

     " Mr. Alderman, may I ask why you refuse to help us when we request your aid?"

     " I will not help you because it would serve me no purpose," the elf answered." My... son... Hearthstone, deserves no help from me. He left years ago without a word," at this, he paused and laughed for a moment." Without a word, well of course he didn't, but you take my meaning."

     " So Hearthstone left," Magnus summarized." Is that a crime?"

     " It should be. In doing so, he killed his mother."

     Hearth was apparently unaware of this fact, and he seemed to almost choke on his drink before dropping the goblet he'd been holding.

     " You didn't know?" His father asked." Of course, you didn't. Why would you care? After you left, she was distracted and upset. You have no idea how you embarrassed us by disappearing. There were rumors about you studying rune magic, of all things, consorting with Mimir and his riffraff, befriending a dwarf. Well, one afternoon, your mother was crossing the street in the village, on her way back from the country club. She had endured awful comments from her friends at lunch. She feared her reputation was ruined. She wasn't looking where she was going. When a delivery truck ran the red light... as if causing your brother's death hadn't been bad enough."

     Magnus reached out to touch Hearth's arm as our friend fumbled for the goblet." Hearth." I watched as my brother signed I'm here.

     " Mr. Alderman," I said, looking back at the older elf." You said we deserved no help, what would it take for you to at least lend us the Skofnung Stone?"

     " Ah, a young woman who understands business. From you and your brother, I don't require much. You know the Vanir are our ancestral gods? Frey himself is our patron and lord. All of Alfheim was given to him as his teething gift when he was a child."

     " So he chewed on you and spit you out?" Magnus asked.

     This made Alderman stop smiling." My point is that two children of Frey would make worthy friends for our family. All I would ask is that you stay with us for a while, perhaps attend a small reception, just a few hundred close associates. Show yourselves, take a few photos with me for the press, that sort of thing."

     " You're worried about your reputation, you're ashamed of your son," Magnus summarized," so you want my sister and me to bolster your street cred."

     " I do not know this term 'street cred', but I believe we understand each other."

     " We understand," I agreed." I don't think we'll stay long, or even have the chance to stay long, maybe just a day or two. During those few days, we'll have this whole publicity thing, and then you give us the stone and we head home, correct?"

     " Well now, I would expect something from my wayward son, as well. He has unfinished business here. He must atone. He must pay his wergild."

     For the first time in ages, I was wondering the same thing that Magnus was, as my brother asked," What's a wergild?"

     " Hearthstone knows what I mean," the older elf looked at his son." Not a hair must show. You do what must be done- what you should have done years ago. While you work on that, your friends will be a guest in our house."

     " Wait, how long are we talking about?" Magnus asked." Because like Will said, we've got somewhere important to be in, like, less than four days."

     " Well then, Hearthstone had better hurry." He stood up." Inge!"

     The small hulder appeared again.

     " Provide for my son and his guests as needed. They will stay in Hearthstone's old room. And you two," He looked at Magnus and me." Do not think you can defy me. My house, my rules. Try to take the stone and, children of Frey or not, it won't go well for you." He threw his goblet onto the floor before turning to Inge." Clean that up!"

     Then he left the room.

A/N: I think we're almost reaching two weeks of me not missing an upload, meaning I'm improving on my time management skills! Also, today's my father's birthday so happy birthday to him even though he's definitely not reading this. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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