Why Are We Here Again?... Oh Right, The Wolf

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     In All Honesty, as soon as I charged into battle Fenris wolf just left my mind entirely as my only thought process now was to stop Surt and the other Fire Giants. Once I turned my back on the Wolf, my hallmates and I raced at the giants. Partway there, I split from the group, heading up a hill in order to get a vantage point to shoot at Surt's army.

     I drew an arrow, not exactly sure what I was doing, and shot it at the giant closest to me, flinching as it passed over his shoulder without touching him. I drew another arrow.

     The battle went on like that for a while, and after a few minutes, I began to get the hang of my new weapon. Every time I fired an arrow, another one would materialize in the quiver which had appeared on my back alongside the bow and arrow.

     Just as I managed to hit another giant, I felt a strange feeling, as if the ground beneath me was trying to warn me of something. Deciding to follow what my brain was telling me, I turned around to see Surt himself making his way in my direction.

     " Willow Chase! Ready to die another time?"

     " Surt," I greeted, exchanging my bow and arrow for my sword." Ready to lose another limb?"

     " Last I checked, the last time we faced each other, all I lost was a nose. You and your brother both lost your lives."

     " Well, I'm afraid my brother is a little preoccupied at the moment, so if we could schedule this whole killing-each-other-thing again another time, that would be great."

     " Oh, I can be patient, I'll just wait until he's finished with whatever he's doing currently. But you appear to be free to die at the moment."

     I began backing towards the edge of the cliff." Well, I do have other things to do as well, so if we could postpone death, mine or yours, for another day, that would be great."

     He swung his blade, and I took another step back, my foot not making contact with the ground, and I fell down towards the beach below.

     After a moment of wondering if this was better or worse than getting killed by Surt, I sunk into the earth. Before I had a chance to question what was going on, momentum carried me back into the air, a few feet away from the fire giant I'd been attempting to escape from.

     Thinking quickly, I leaned forward, holding my sword at the ready, before swinging the blade at Surt's left arm, cutting it clean off, and landing on the edge of the cliff again.

     " That's two limbs you've lost now while fighting my brother and I. And that's just been fighting us one-on-one. When you lost your nose, that was just my brother, I'd already died. This time my brother's off stopping Fenris Wolf from escaping, and you just lost your arm." I looked over Surt's shoulder to see Gunilla and the other two valkyries coming our way." Only difference is, this time we have backup. So good luck keeping the rest of your body intact."

     I jumped about a foot in the air, before allowing the earth to swallow me as I landed, before popping up on a different hilltop and exchanging my sword for my long-distance weapon.

     All three valkyries charged at the fire giant, and they put up a good fight for quite some time, but even with three against one the battle still seemed to be in Surt's favor. The fight had been going on for ages, and Odin's warriors were starting to lose.

     The rest of us were starting to get frantic, the other fire giants were easy enough to take care of, but Surt wasn't even breaking a sweat, and he still had three other giants with him. My aim was becoming more and more off by the moment, as arrows kept whizzing past Surt. We were losing. Badly.

     Both of the other Valkyries were down, and at this point, my arrows were less of a threat than a battalion of flies attempting to attack the lord of fire giants. Then Gunilla got knocked to the ground.

     At this point, all of my brain was yelling at me that it was over as I tried again to stick an arrow in Surt's face.

     " To the Valkyrie!" I heard T.J. yell." Hurry!"

     I nocked another arrow as Magnus, Sam, Hearth, and Blitz started running towards the Valkyrie captain as well.

     Then Surt made the final blow.

A/N: I know it's been over a week since I updated, but in my defense I was sick almost all of that time ( nothing serious, not the virus or anything like that, just a fever at the worst). Like with the past two chapters, the picture above ( or somewhere at the top of the chapter) is what I picture one of Willow's weapons looking like ( in this case her bow and arrow). I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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