I Hate Squirrels.

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     You know, I really should've expected that the World Tree was, in fact, a tree, but for whatever reason, I was still surprised. Also, the world tree was big, like, really really big. Apparently, the biggest tree in the world is in Sequoia National Park, California, that tree is about the size of the smallest branches of Yggdrasil. That's how big this tree is.

     I finally snapped out of my starring at the tree when I heard Blitz speak.

     " Careful kid, first time in the tree will make you dizzy."

     At those words, I looked down to make sure I was still standing on solid ground, and not about to plunge into the ginnungagap.

     " Yeah, I noticed."

     " Although," I added," A little warning ahead of time might've been nice."

     Sam's shield clattered into the abyss.

     " I like Yggdrasil a lot better when I could fly."

     " What about Gunilla and the others? Will they be able to follow us?"

     " Not easily," Sam answered." They can open another portal, but it won't necessarily lead to the same branch of the tree. Still, we should keep moving. Being on Yggdrasil is not good for your sanity."

     Hearth got to his feet. I'm okay, let's go.

    " Stay focused," Blitz told my brother." That feeling you had when you opened the portal? Look for it again, find us an exit."

     We walked a little way, before approaching a small branch that crossed below ours, which was where Magnus stopped.

     " I think we need to take this exit."

     Moving from one branch to another was the most difficult part of being on the world tree. We had to carefully slide down from our current branch, to a more narrow one which was also on a curved surface, before navigating through a bunch of lichen patches, one of which Magnus got his hand stuck in for a short period of time. We came to a stop again at the end of the branch.

     " Well?"

     Magnus looked over the edge." That's it, that's our way out."

      I peered down to see what he was talking about, thirty feet below lay a hole in a branch, from which came a warm light.

     " You sure?" Blitzen asked." Nidavellir isn't warm and glowy."

     " I'm just telling you, the sword seems to think that's our destination."

     I rolled my eyes." Because we should always trust the magic sword."

     Sam looked down, letting off a soft whistle." Quite a jump, if we miss the hole..."


     Before we should discuss whether or not we were all okay with going 'splat' on a tree branch, a large gust of wind hit us, causing Hearth to stumble into a patch of lichen, which quickly swallowed up his legs.

     " Hearth!"

     Our dwarven friend quickly ran over, attempting to pull Hearthstone free, to no avail.

     " We can cut him out," Sam said." Your swords, my ax. It'll take time. We'll have to be careful of his legs, but it could be worse."

     Of course, as soon as she said that, a loud 'YARK' echoed through the tree.

     I gave Sam an irritated look." I thought it was universal law that you should never say 'it could be worse' when in a bad situation."

     " Ratatosk! That damnable squirrel always appears at the worst time. Hurry with those blades!"

     Sam hit the lichen with her ax, only causing the weapon to get stuck along with our elf.

     " This is like cutting through melting tires! It's not going to be quick."

     Go! Leave me!

     " Not an option."

     Another 'YARK' came from somewhere above us.

     Magnus raised his sword." We'll fight the squirrel, we can do this, right?"

     I would've facepalmed if I wasn't holding a sword." No, we cannot just fight the squirrel Magnus, he's immortal. Immortal meaning he can't be killed no matter what we do. I swear, you never listen to any of the stories Mom told us. It's either run, hide, or get killed by the squirrel."

     " We can't run, and we've both already died twice this week."

     " So we hide," Sam stated, unwrapping her hijab." At least, Hearth and I do. I can cover two people, no more. You, Willow, and Blitz find the dwarves. We'll meet up with you later."

     " What? Sam, you can't hide under a green piece of silk!" Magnus said." The squirrel can't be that stupid..."

     He trailed off as Sam unraveled the fabric. When she shook it out, it grew in size, now looking about as big as a twin sheet, but that wasn't the incredible thing about it, the shade of the fabric changed to look just like the lichen.

     She's right. Go.

     " Guys, it's now or never," Blitz said, pointing down at the closing hole.

     Ratatosk burst through the leaves above us, looking like the most terrorifying squirrel I'd ever seen, even if I'd never seen many scary squirrels in my fifteen years of living. The squirrel let out another 'YARK' and suddenly words filled my brain.

You are nothing.

Everyone chooses your brother over you.

You're only here because of him.

You have no worth.

You may as well leave this quest.

     I closed my eyes, shaking my head before turning back to the hole. Everything else seemed to be tuned out, I couldn't hear anything, and I could only see what I focused on, which at the moment was my way out, with barely a second guess, I made the jump, falling into a different world.

A/N: Who doesn't love squirrels who insult your dwarf's pith helmet? At any rate, there's another chapter which I actually wasn't able to work on for most of today yet still got finished. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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