I Have Never Been More Relieved To Not Get On A Boat

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     " What was that about?" Blitz asked once we'd finally caught up with my brother.

     " Dunno, his name is Big Boy and he likes apples," Magnus began before explaining his entire conversation with the eagle.

     You swore by your troth? Hearth signed, acting like it was the stupidest decision ever, which it probably was.

     " Well, it was either that or get shredded by pigeon spikes, so yeah."

     Sam glared at the sky." This will end badly. Deals with Giants always do."

     " At least Magnus found out where the sword is," Blitz said optimistically." Besides, Ran's a goddess, she'll be on our side, right?"

     " I guess you haven't heard the stories about her that I have," Sam replied with a laugh." But at this point, we don't have much choice. Let's find Harald."


     " Well now," Someone who I assumed was Harald said as we approached the docks." A dwarf, an elf, and three humans walk onto my pier, sounds like the beginning of a joke."

     " I hope not. We want to rent your boat for a fishing expedition," Magnus said to him." We'll need the special bait."

     " You five on one of my expeditions?" Harald laughed." I don't think so."

     " Big boy sent us."

      Harald seemed to reconsider at this." Big boy, eh? What does he want with the likes of you?"

     " None of your concern," Sam intervened, pulling a coin from her pocket and tossing it at Harald." One red gold now, five more when we finish. Will you rent us that boat or not?"

     " What is red gold?" Magnus asked, voicing the question I was thinking.

     " The currency of Asguard and Valhalla, widely accepted in the other realms."

     Harald sniffed the coin before looking at Sam." You have giantish blood, girl? I can see it in your eyes."

     " That's also none of your concern."

      " Humph... the payment is sufficient, but my boat is small. Two passengers maximum. I'll take you and one of the other two humans, but the dwarf and the elf? Forget it."

     " Look here frosty-" Blitz threatened.

     " Hur! Never call a frost giant Frosty. We hate that. Besides, you look half petrified already dwarf, I don't need another anchor. As for elves, they are creatures of air and light. They're useless aboard a ship, two passengers only. That's the deal. Take it or leave it."

     Magnus turned to us." Guys, sidebar please... That dude is a frost giant?"

     Icy hair. Ugly. Big. Hearth signed. Yes.

     " But... I mean... he's large, but he's not giant."

     " Magnus." Sam wore an expression that showed her exasperation." Giants aren't necessarily enormous. Some are, some can grow to enormous size if they feel like it, but they're even more varied than humans. Many look like regular people. Some can change shape into eagles or pigeons or almost anything."

     " But what's a frost giant doing on the docks in Boston? Can we trust him?"

     " First answer," Blitzen began." Frost giants are all over the place, especially in the north of Midgard. As for trusting him, absolutely not. He might take whoever he brings straight to Jotunheim and throw you in a dungeon, or he might use you for bait. You have to insist that Hearth and I go with you."

     Hearth tapped his friends shoulder. Giant is right. I told you, too much daylight. You are turning to stone. Too stubborn to admit.

     " Nah, I'm fine."

     Hearth picked up a metal pail lying on the dock, before hitting our dwarven friend in the head with it, causing the pail to crumple.

     " Okay, maybe I'm petrifying a little, but-"

     " Get out of the light for a while," Magnus told him." We'll be fine. Hearth can you find him a nice underground lair or something?"

     We will try to find out more about Fenris and his chains. Meet you tonight. Back at the library?

     " Sounds good. Willow?"

     " I'll go with them to the library," I answered." He'll only take two, he expects Sam to come, and you're the one the sword will respond to."

     " Right, good luck with that... Sam, let's go fishing."

A/N: Alright, this chapter took a little longer than expected, but it's here now. So as always, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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