We Get Thrown Out A Window At The End Of This Chapter.

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     I actually slept somewhat well that night, though maybe it was because I didn't have the pleasure of beating Loki in a contest of insults on my shoulders.

     Instead, I got a good night's rest and was woken up by a yell of "CHARGE" from the room next door, signaling that T.J. had just been woken up. In order to save whoever was waking everyone up the trouble, I popped my head out of the room I'd been staying in, gave my brother a thumbs up to show I was awake, before quickly getting changed into an outfit that would keep me at least slightly warm, but not hinder my movement.

     Eventually, we were all gathered in the main hall for a quick breakfast before we headed off to our deaths, along with each of our meals came a cup of Apple Cider.

     " The cider was made from the apples of immortality," the giantess explained when I'd asked what its purpose was." Centuries ago, when my father kidnapped the goddess Idun, we fermented some of her apples into cider. It's quite diluted. It won't make you immortal, but it will give you a boost of endurance, at least long enough to get you through the wilds of Niflheim."

     We all drank the cider without argument, and it did seem to help a bit with the cold thankfully.

     Once breakfast had been finished, we were all given skis just as Skadi had promised the day prior.

     After getting my own skis on ( ones that didn't match my outfit, but then again Blitzen seemed to be the only one complaining about color choice) I ended up having to help T.J. not fall over as the soldier wandered around clumsily in his skis.

     " Jefferson, I thought you grew up in New England," Halfborn commented as he and Mallory had no trouble moving around in their footwear." You never skied?"

     " I lived in a city," T.J. pointed out." Also, I'm black. There weren't a lot of Black guys skiing down the Boston waterfront in 1861."

     I laughed, but tightened my grip on his arm as he threatened to fall over again." I can't imagine that there's ever been people skiing down the Boston waterfront, even with all the odd things I've seen in that city."

     " Well, Magnus Chase," Skadi said once we were all lined up by the open window." All that remains is the drinking of the mead."

     " Okay..." my brother said, hesitantly taking the canteen the mead was being kept in from Sam." You mean now?"

     " Yes," the giantess stated." Now."

     He took a drink.

     For a minute, we all stared at him in silence, waiting for something great to happen. The moment passed, and nothing seemed different in the slightest.

     " How do you feel?" Blitzen asked." Poetic?"

     Magnus belched, thought for a second, then responded." I feel okay."

     " That's it!?" Alex Fierro exclaimed." Say something impressive. Describe the storm."

     Magnus stared out the window." The storm looks... white. Also cold."

     " We're all dead," Halfborn muttered, a statement we could all agree on.

     Apparently, Skadi felt that while we were all annoyed with my brother's lack of usefulness was the perfect time to boot us into the snow.

     So, with a " Good luck, heroes!" to send us off, her servants shoved all nine of us out the window.

A/N: Unlike the last chapter, this one was very short, so I apologize for it being half the length I generally want to make my chapters. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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