Who Wants To See More Giants?

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     I decided to pass on visiting the worst place in Midgard ( Uncle Randolph's mansion) with my brother and Alex. The next morning, a while after I had breakfast with my hallmates and Magnus and Alex had left to possibly have a run in with my least favorite family member, I collected the Skofnung Sword, said goodbye to Halfborn, Mallory, and T.J., before heading to the statue of George Washington in the Public Garden, where Sam, Hearth, and Blitz all stood, accompanied by our old eight-legged equestrian friend.

     We waited for a little while longer before my brother and our new green-haired friend arrived.

     " Stanley!" Magnus said, walking over and stroking the horse's face before turning to Hearth." Did you summon him? How are you still conscious?"

     The elf shrugged. Easier now. I can do two, maybe three runes in a row before I collapse.

     " Wow."

     " What did he say?" Alex Fierro asked.

     My brother translated what Hearth had just said.

     " Just two or three? I mean, no offense, but that doesn't sound like a lot."

     " Well, it may not seem like it, but rune magic is something that takes a lot of energy," I explained." Back on our first trip to Jotunheim, Hearth could barely cast one rune without becoming exhausted."

     Blitz cleared his throat." Ah, Willow, Magnus? Who's your friend?"

     " Right, Hearth, Blitz, this is Alex Fierro, the newest addition to floor nineteen, and she's currently female. Alex, these are Hearthstone and Blitzen, some old friends who you've heard about before."

     " You're the other child of Loki," Blitz remarked.

     " Yep. I promise I won't kill you."

     Magnus noticed Sam's odd smile." What?"

     " Nothing. Where have you two been? You didn't arrive with Willow, and you didn't come from the direction of Valhalla."

     Magnus began a quick explanation about what had Happened at Randolph's mansion, and specifically mentioned a wedding invitation and a photo of Bridal Veil Falls that had been laid out next to each other.

     " You think this waterfall is the way into Thrym's fortress?" Sam asked.

     " Maybe, or at least it might be two days from now. If we know that in advance, we might be able to use the info."

     How? Hearth asked.

     " Um... I'm not sure yet."

     "I suppose it's possible," Blitzen speculated." Earth giants can manipulate solid rock even better than dwarves can. They can definitely shift their front doors around. Also, their fortresses are almost impossible to break into. Tunneling, explosives, blasts of godly power- none of that will work. Believe me, D.I.C.E. has tried."

     " Dice?"

     " The Dwarven Infantry Corps of Engineers," the dwarf explained, using the same tone of voice we all used when Magnus was being an idiot." What else would it stand for? Anyway, with earth giants, you have to use the main entrance. But even if your uncle knew where it would be on the wedding day, why would he share that information? This is the man who stabbed me in the gut."

     My brother didn't respond, and for the first time in ages, I understood why. Randolph was my uncle too, and I didn't exactly like talking about that time he attempted to kill one of my friends.

     " Shouldn't we get going?" Alex asked.

     Sam nodded her head in response." You're right. Stanley will only stay summoned for a few minutes. He prefers no more than three passengers, so I figured I would fly and carry Hearthstone and Willow. Magnus, how about you, Alex, and Blitz take our horse friend?"

     Blitzen looked slightly uneasy at the concept, before the elf comforted him. It's okay. Be safe.

     " Hmph. All right, but I've got dibs on the front. Is that called shotgun on a horse?"

     After Blitz handed over the Skofnung Stone to me ( apparently being the negotiator also meant I got to carry the cursed items, hurray!) he, Alex, and Magnus ( in that order) got onto the horse. The latter two had a short argument, before they were ready to go.

     Sam took ahold of my arm with one hand, and grabbed Hearth's arm with the other." See you in Jotunheim."

     With that, we disappeared in a bright flash of light.

A/N: Alright, again, sorry for the shorter Chapter, but the next one will have some original writing taking place in Utgard Loki's hall. As per usual, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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