Overall, Fläm Isn't That Impressive... Sorry Halfborn

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     We were all just trying to get a normal night's sleep when a crash came from somewhere above us. By the time T.J., Sam, Mallory, and I emerged from below deck, we saw Halfborn and Alex already up there, along with Blitzen, Hearthstone, and my brother.

     Sam immediately looked away." Woah! Magnus, where are your pants?"

     " Um, long story."

     " Well put some clothes on, Beantown," Mallory told him." Then tell us the story."

    And so that's what he did. A few minutes later, we were all caught up on everything that had h appened in Alfheim by Hearth and Blitz, and by the time Magnus was back from below deck, the two were just finishing up their story.

     " Oh Hearthstone," Samirah said." I am so sorry about your dad."

     The rest of us hastily agreed.

     Hearthstone seemed resigned to his fate. It had to be done. Magnus bore the worst of it. Tasting the heart.

     " Yeah, about that..." Magnus began with a wince." I should probably tell you guys something."

     Alex laughed when he was finished with his story about talking birds." I'm sorry, it's not funny." She began to sign Hearth, your father, the heart. Awful, I can't imagine. Then she was back to speaking out loud." In fact, I have something for you. I noticed you lost your other one."

     Hearth took the pink and green scarf she was holding out to him and placed it around his neck. Thank you. Love.

     " You bet," she turned towards my brother." But honestly, Magnus, you fumbled the heart, you tasted the blood, and now you're talking to animals-"

     " I didn't talk," Magnus interjected." I only listened."

     " Like Dr. Dolittle?"

     T.J. looked confused." Who is Dr. Dolittle? Does he live in Valhalla?"

     " No, he's a character from a book," I explained." But the problem is, that there could be so many other effects, not all of them as harmless as the ability to speak- sorry, listen- to animals."

     " Willow's right," Sam added." We're worried about you. Magnus, any other effects you've noticed from the heart's blood?"

     " I-I don't think so."

     " The effects might only be temporary," T.J. pointed out." Do you still feel weird?"

     " Weirder than usual," Alex added.

     " No, but it's hard to be sure," Magnus answered." There aren't any animals around to listen to."

     " I could turn into a ferret and we could have a conversation," Alex Fierro offered.

     " Thanks anyway."

     Mallory, who had been happening one of her daggers on the whetstone, threw the knife into the deck and watched as it sank up to its hilt." Well, well."

     " Try not to destroy our boat, woman. We're still sailing in it," Halfborn reminded her.

     Mallory made a face in response, before turning back to the others." This is quite a good sharpener the boys brought back."

     " Yeah," T.J. agreed." Could I see that for my bayonet?"

     " No indeed," Mallory said as she slipped the stone into her pocket." I don't trust you lot with this little beauty. I think I'll hold on to it so you all don't hurt yourselves. As for the dragon blood, Magnus, I wouldn't worry. You are a son of Frey, one of the most powerful nature gods. Perhaps the dragon's blood simply enhanced your natural abilities. Makes sense for you to understand forest creatures."

Eternity | T.J.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang