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I've Now Visited Every Nine World... Hooray? ( Having Chosen NOT To Mention My Experiences In Muspelheim)

     In case you're wondering why I was climbing down the world tree, headed towards one of the two nine worlds I hadn't yet visited and had no intention to visit, it was because my boyfriend had a dream that ended up dragging us both down to Helheim because Hel needed his help and I happened to end up having to go with him because I'd heard about it and 'no one else was allowed to know'. Now that was a long sentence.

     Let me explain that in simpler terms. T.J. and I were calmly taking a nap in the lounge when he got a dream from Hel herself and began muttering in his sleep which alerted me, then when he woke up he explained that his mother was in danger and that Hel had said that 'no one else was allowed to know' but since I overheard ( not sure how Hel found out about that, but who am I to question a goddess of death) I had to come along.

     So here we were, climbing down Yggdrasil, having burst into Alex's room to get here, and attempting to get to the only Norse Afterlife I had yet to visit and had no intention to, with Ratatosk yapping away in my ear, the usual insults filling my mind.

     A moment later, we were falling, and ended up landing in a grand hall ( just like all gods and jotuns have), a goddess who I assumed was Hel sat on a throne.

     " I see you discovered the key," the goddess said." The despair that Ratatosk induces helps one gain access to my world. Now, kneel before me, einherji."

     We both did as she asked.

     When Hel spoke again, it was directed to T.J." You are aware that my hellhound, Garm, will devour your father, Tyr, when Ragnarok is unleashed?"

     Both of us nodded.

     " Well, Garm has run off. You, son of Tyr, are the only one who can find him. Or rather, he will find you."

     " I don't follow."

     " Why, it's very simple. My hellhound will smell the blood of Tyr and come running."

     " So basically," T.J. concluded." You're using me as bait."

     " More like a moving target," the goddess corrected.

     " Why me? Why not just, I don't know, poof Garm back into his cave yourself? Or send your demons to retrieve him?"

     " Garm can be... elusive. He's run off before, and past attempts to bring him home with magic and demons have failed."

     " If you don't mind my asking, why not just let him stay lost?"

     " And risk word getting out that my dog is beyond my control?" Hel looked even more dangerous than before." No. There is only one solution. You must lure him back to his cave."

     " Let me guess," T.J. said." If I refuse, you torture my mother. If I tell anyone Garm didn't come when you called, you torture my mother."

     " Oh yes, and Thomas, T.J., if you think killing Garm will stop the hound from killing your father, think again. You cannot stop destiny. Now, away you and your companion go!"

     The doors to her hall opened. I sent one glance to T.J. before we both set off into Helheim itself, weapons at the ready.

     With that, we headed off into the realm of the dishonorable dead, our goal being to capture the creature who we couldn't communicate with who was trying to kill one of us. Fun.

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