Well, At Least We Weren't Immediately Killed.

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     Turns out, the only ones Magnus was blinding ( Apart from Sam, Alex, and I) were Otis and Marvin, who were waiting for us in the parking lot, just like Sif had said.

     " Thanks a lot for getting us turned into Hot Pockets, you idiot!" Marvin was yelling when we appeared." You know badly you have to annoy Thor before he eats us in that form?"

     Otis, instead of answering, noticed us." Oh look, it's our passengers."

     " Hey guys," Magnus greeted." You look festive."

     " Yeah," Marvin said in his usual sarcastic tone." I feel real festive. You know where we're going yet, human? The smell of Grande Scrambler Burritos is making me sick."

     My brother pulled out the invitation again, stared at it for a good minute, before showing the rest of us. Where: Proceed To Bridal Veil Falls. You Have Only Five Minutes.

     " So you were right," Sam said, as shocked as the rest of us." Maybe Thor-"

     " Shh," Alex interrupted." From this point on, I think we should assume Loki is watching and listening."

     " Yeah," Marvin said loudly." Maybe Thor would be sad, because there's no way he could make it to Bridal Veil Falls with an assault team in only five minutes, since we just got this information now and are at a huge disadvantage. Bummer!"

     Otis seemed as happy as ever." We'd better hurry along to our deaths. Five minutes isn't much time, even for Thor's chariot. Hop along."

     Apparently, Magnus and I had it better when it came to outfits. We were both able to climb aboard with minimal trouble, but the same couldn't be said for the two children of Loki, both of whom we had to help aboard before the chariot took off into the air, flying full speed ahead towards our destination ( and somehow not getting thrown off in the process).

     Sam glanced over the edge at one point, before speaking to the two goats." Minimums, guys. Watch your approach speed."

     " Don't be a backseat piolet," Alex laughed.

     Oddly enough, we didn't die when we landed. Infact, we didn't even break any bones! We landed, as safe as was possible given the current situation, in a forest, before continuing on, the goats walking normally on the ground now as they pulled the chariot.

     " Hey, guys?" Magnus broke the silence." How do we know Thrym isn't a fan of option one?"

     At this, I remembered the conversation we'd had with Utgard Loki yesterday.

     " He wouldn't kill us," Sam reasoned." Not unless he has to. He wants this marriage alliance with Loki, which means he needs me- I mean her," she corrected, pointing to Alex." Samirah."

     " You guys worried about an ambush?" Marvin asked." Don't be. Wedding parties are guaranteed safe passage."

     " True, though the giants could always kill us after the ceremony, I hope," Otis said.

     " You mean you guess," his brother corrected." Not you hope."

     " Hmm? Oh, right."

     " Let's be quite now. We don't want to cause an avalanche."

     Honestly, an avalanche didn't seem to bad right now. It was the least of our worries, and if an avalanche were to happen, then that would mean the giants wouldn't get Sam, Alex, or the Skofnung Sword and Skofnung Stone. Although it would have about the same outcome as option one, only a bit worse considering the sword and stone wouldn't have any protection from the giants just clearing the rocks and taking them.

     " Bridal Veil Falls," Alex said, looking at the waterfall that was now before us." I went ice climbing here a couple of times."

     " But not in a wedding dress," Magnus added.

     Sam looked around." What do we do now?"

     I glanced at my watch." We're not late. It's only been four minutes. Either they've decided not to invite the bride after all, or we'll be let in any second."

     " Be a shame if we missed the doorway," Magnus said, thinking the same as the rest of us.

     We all really wanted to have missed the doorway.

     Of course, just as we were all thinking how nice it would have been to have missed the doorway, the waterfall opened up and a giantess, who I assumed was Thrynga, stepped out.

     " Hello there!" She called to us." I am Thrynga, princess of the earth giants, sister of Thrym, son of Thrym, son of Thrym. I am here to welcome my new sister-in-law.

     Sam gave a little curtsy." Thank you, Thrynga! My lady Samirah is delighted to be here. I am her maid of honor-"

     " Prudence," Magnus said.

     Sam glared at him." Yes. Prudence. And this is-"

     " Magnus Chase, son of Frey," my brother introduced himself ( most likely to stop Sam from naming him something absolutely ridiculous." This is my sister, Willow Chase, daughter of Frey and carrier of the bride price. Nice to meet you."

     " Ah, yes," the giantess said." You are on the guest list, children of Frey. And that is the Skofnung Sword your sister bears? Very good. I will take that."

     I took a step back." I'm afraid not. The gifts are only to be exchanged during the ceremony. It would be against tradition for me to hand them over now."

     " Of course," Thrynga said." Tradition. And speaking of which, you don't mind if I do a quick security sweep?"

     She didn't wait for an answer, waving something around before apparently being satisfied with the results.

     " Good, no Aesir in the vicinity."

     " My therapist says Marvin has a god complex," Otis piped up." But I don't think that counts."

     " Shut up or I'll destroy you," Marvin stated.

     Thrynga looked at the goats." This vehicle looks familiar. It even smells familiar."

     " Well, you know," Magnus attempted to cover up the fact it was Thor's chariot." Lords and ladies often ride chariots to their weddings. This is a rental."

     " Hmm... I suppose..." She gestured through the waterfall, to the cave she'd emerged from." This way little humans."

     We entered the tunnel, and had been in it for a few moments, before the entrance closed.

     " Hey, Thrynga?" Magnus asked." Shouldn't we leave that waterfall open? How will we get out after the ceremony?"

     " Get out?" She repeated." Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Besides, we have to keep the entrance closed and the tunnel moving around. We wouldn't want anyone interfering with the happy day, would we?"

     Yes. Yes we would, but none of us could say that out loud.

     " How far does this tunnel go?"

     The giantess laughed." Scared of deep places, son of Frey? Not to worry. We're only going a bit farther. Of course, the road itself goes all the to Helheim. Most subterranean passages do, eventually. Giants and goats are best suited for such a road. You small ones would lose your footing and slide all the way to the Wall of Corpses. We can't have that."

     None of us argued with her on that one. We continued down the tunnel for about four more hours, and, on multiple occasions, I reached out to touch the wall and see if I could travel through it, but every time I was unable. Finally, the tunnel split, and we headed down a much shorter tunnel that ended with a door that had a welcome mat that said 'Bless This Cave!'

     " We are here, little ones," Thrynga said." I hope you're excited."

A/N: For the 0% of people wondering, I've just been listening to The Games I Play from Falsettos on repeat for about the past hour, because it is a really good song... I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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