I Had No Idea Hearthstone's Dad Was Actually Smeagol

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     Almost as soon as I hung up, Inge was right next to me, handing me a dress and explaining that something weird was going on with Hearth's dad, but it was something I probably needed to see for myself.

     I got changed, and grabbed my bag, before meeting up with Inge again, as well as Magnus, Hearthstone, and a now no longer petrified Blitzen. We reached the top of the stairs together, before seeing that Inge was right.

     Alderman was running around downstairs, tossing his new riches at people." Can you believe all this treasure? Amazing, isn't it? Would you like a golden choo choo train? May I interest you in a dagger?"

     " Oh, dear," Inge muttered." He's getting worse."

     The ring is definitely affecting him. Hearth agreed.

     " This isn't good," Blitz said, at least I think it was Blitzen, he was almost completely covered in towels ( I assumed to keep the sunlight from turning him to stone).

     Alderman noticed us." Aha! Behold! My son and his companions! The dwarf- at least I assume that's the dwarf under those towels. And Magnus and Willow Chase, children of Frey." As the crowd turned to us, the old elf continued." Yes, yes. All this treasure you see, my friends? That is nothing compared to two children of Frey! My son finally did something right. He brought me the children of Frey as part of his wergild payment. And now, these two will be my permanent houseguests! We will start a line for photo ops at the bar-"

     " No." I spoke up." I believe something is messing with your mind Mr. Alderman. Our agreement was to stay for only as long as was necessary for Hearthstone to pay his wergild. The wergild has been paid. After today we leave. That was our deal."

     Father. The ring. Hearth stated. Dangerous. Take it off.

     Alderman's eyes narrowed." My son is asking me to take off my new ring. Now why would he ask that? And why would Willow Chase threaten to leave... unless these scoundrels are planning to steal my treasure?"

     Blitz found this as stupid an idea as I did." They just brought you that treasure, you daft elf. Why would they steal it again?"

     " So you admit it!" The crazy elf accused, clapping his hands together.

     Almost immediately, all of the doors to the room slammed shut, at collums of water erupted from the ground, forming humanoid figures.

     " Those are security Nøkks!" Blitzen exclaimed.

     " What?"

     " Also called Nixies! Water spirits! Bad news!"

     Hearth took Inge by the arm. You still have family in the woods?

     " Y-yes," the hulder stuttered in response.

     Go now. I release you from my family's service. Don't come back... Also, call police.

     Inge glanced at the nøkks before turning back to Hearthstone and kissing him on the cheek." I-I love you."

     Then she vanished. Literally. One second she was there, the next all that remained was the scent of fresh laundry.

     " Did I miss something?" Blitzen asked.

     Hearth just gave him an irritated look but didn't say ( err... sign) anything.

     " Alderman," one of the elves shouted." What is the meaning of this!?"

     " The meaning, Lord Mayor?" Alderman asked, with a grin." I now understand why you all came here. You meant to steal my treasure, but I've caught you gold handed! Security nøkks, subdue these thieves!"

     " We've got to get out of here," Blitz decided." Now."

     " But we need to help the elves," my brother argued.

     I looked down at the crowd before drawing my sword." I'll take care of crowd control. You guys do what you can about the nøkks."

     I lept over the side of the railing ( one hundred percent forgetting that the ground down there was not made of dirt) managing to land well enough before I suddenly heard music. Very, very sad music.

     With my limited knowledge of nøkks, I managed to remember to cover my ears ( after already diving back onto the ground, as if that was going to help). A few moments later, the sounds of a sudden storm came from outside.

     I looked up to find it pooring rain, after a moment of looking around for the cause, I saw Hearthstone standing a little ways away from a rune floating in the air. One that looked like an odd H. I realized what he was doing. Not only was he drowing out the sound of violins ( which were currently being destroyed by Jack) but he was also working on destroying the windows.

     " Back away from the glass!" I warned the elves, before backing away myself before Hearth raised his arms and with a loud 'BOOM' the glass shattered. I nodded to my friend before turning to the elves again." Everyone out, this is your chance."

     " Fools!" Alderman shouted after us." You are mine! You cannot escape!"

     As soon as the last elf was out, we escaped.

     Elves ran every which way as the nøkks made their way out of the building, only to get slowed by the storm. We ran towards the woods again as police cars and ambulences arrived at the house.

     The storm began to clear up as Hearthstone stumbled, meaning Magnus and I had to slow down to help him

     Just as we'd almost reached the woods, someone yelled after us," Stop!"

     I turned to see Sunspot and Wildflower preparing to shoot at us from across the lawn, which, oddly enough, made me decided to pick up the pace to get even further away from them.

     " Jack!" Magnus yelled, before sending his sword to destroy their utility belts.

     Jack flew back." That was fun! Afraid I just slowed them down, though. I'm sensing a good place to make a cut just up ahead."

     " Make a cut?"

     " He means between worlds," Blitz explained." I don't know about you, but to me, any of the other eight would be preferable right about now!"

     Of course, with our luck, the perfect place to make a cut happened to be the well where Hearth's brother had been killed.

     Hearthstone looked around and shook his head. Anywhere but here.

     Blitzen turned to my brother and me." What is this place?"

     " It's where Hearth's brother... you know."

     " Oh."

     " It's the best spot guys," Jack stated." There's a real thin portal between the worlds right on top of that cairn. I can-"

     We heard a shot get fired in our direction.

     " Do it Jack!" Magnus decided.

     Jack flew forward and cut a rift between worlds ( or between Alfheim and the Ginnungagap, in between those two I'm not sure which is worse).

     " I love darkness," Blitz declared." Come on!"

     Magnus and I pulled Hearth into the rift, quickly followed by Blitz and Jack, before leaving Alfheim... probably not for good, but at least I can always hope that I'll never have to come back.

A/N: Alright, that's another chapter done, and also the last chapter for this week because tomorrow is going to be my 'Mental Health Day' meaning I've forbidden myself from writing any chapters, but I will ( or at least should) update a chapter on Sunday. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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