... What.

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     By the time we returned to Valhalla, all the einherjar were eating dinner meaning we got to make a dramatic entrance as we threw open the doors of the hall and made our way to where the thanes sat.

     I stayed by my brother's side the entire time, following behind our hallmates and the valkyries carrying the bodies of Gunilla and the other valkyries who had died with her, before we stopped in front of the head table and waited for Helgi to speak.

     " Explain." The hotel manager stated after glaring at us for a moment.

     And so Magnus proceeded to describe our entire adventure, from when we found out Annabeth and Uncle Fredrick, all the way to the island of Fenris wolf, which was where Sam picked up the tale and finished it off with us arriving back at Valhalla just a few minutes ago.

     Helgi got to his feet." This is the most serious matter to come before this table in many years. If you speak truly, you have done deeds worthy of warriors. You have stopped Fenris Wolf from breaking free. You have sent Surt back to Muspelheim. But you acted as rouges, without the leave of the thanes, and in... questionable company. Loyalty, Magnus Chase, loyalty to Valhalla is everything. The thanes must discuss all this in private before passing judgment, unless Odin wishes to intercede."

     Odin's throne, just as it had done every other time Helgi had said that phrase, stayed empty.

     " Very well, we-"

     " Odin wishes to intercede," X stated as we all turned to stare at him.

     " X," T.J. whispered to the half-troll." This is no time for jokes."

     " Odin wishes to intercede," X repeated.

     Suddenly his form changed, going from a half-troll, to someone who looked at least mostly human. A man with an eyepatch covering his left eye, a sword hanging at his side, and a nametag labeling him as 'Odin, All-Father, Owner and Founder.'

     Sam was the first to kneel." Odin."

     He smiled at the former valkyrie before offering what I assumed to be a wink to my brother, and taking a seat at his throne.

     " Well!" The god said." What does a god have to do to get a cup of mead around here?"

A/N: Once again, I don't know what to write for this authors note, so as always I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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