Yet Another Adventure. Yipee.

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     I was playing video games with T.J. when we got a call from hotel management telling us now was the best time to head out. As soon as the phone call was over, both of us immediately leaped off before heading to our respective rooms to grab the bags that had already been packed for at least a month now, waiting for us to head out.

     After grabbing Halfborn and Mallory, and sending a raven to alert Alex and my brother ( who'd gone to train with Annabeth and her boyfriend Percy, both of whom were apparently greek demigods), we headed to the docks underneath Valhalla.

     Once we got down there, Helgi handed me a clipboard with around a dozen papers for me to sign, just to allow us out of the hotel ( the perks of being the group leader). I was around three-fourths of the way through when Magnus arrived.

     " Just in time, my friend," T.J. greeted him with a smile.

     " Magnus Chase," Helgi said." We were beginning to worry. The high tide will be here any minute."

     " Sorry, I was..." Magnus waved his hands vaguely.

     " You got the boat?" T.J. asked." I can't wait to see it!"

     " Uh, yeah." My brother began to rummage through his bag, searching for the handkerchief that would act as our means of transportation for at least the next week.

     " You didn't lose it, did you?" Hunding worried." Oh, I warned you about leaving unattained magic items in your room! I told the cleaning ravens not to touch it.' It's a warship!' I said,' Not a napkin!' But they kept wanting to launder it with the linens. If it's missing-"

     " Then you'll be held responsible," Helgi cut in." Floor nineteen is your service area."

     " Relax," Magnus told him." See? Here it is. And Hunding, this is for you." He handed over a chocolate bar." Thanks for keeping an eye on my room while I'm gone."

Hunding looked like he was about to cry." Kid, you're the best. You can leave unattended magic items in your room anytime!"

     " Hmph," Helgi said." Well then, Magnus Chase, you should look at the forms I gave to your sister. Read them carefully and initial at the bottom of each page."

     I handed over the clipboard.

     " So, Magnus," T.J. spoke up." Maybe while Willow and you're doing that, I could set up the boat? Can I? I'm ready to get this regiment underway!"

     " Yeah, sure man."

     " Yay!" T.J. grabbed the hankercheif before both he and I headed towards where Halfborn and Mallory waited.

     He gleefully placed it in the water, and all four of us waited. Only for the piece of fabric to stay in it's current form rather than turning into the warship it was supposed to become.

     Mallory decided to try her luck, picking it up before placing it back in the water, followed by Halfborn, only for it to still do nothing.

     Thinking it might be a child-of-Frey only thing, I did the same, and waited, starring at the handkerchief, only for it to keep floating in the water as a small piece of fabric.

     T.J. stared down at it." Are you sure this is the right Hankerchief?"

     " If it isn't, we can always just blame Magnus," Mallory pointed out.

     " Argh!" Halfborn yelled in annoyance." Magnus, we need you over here now!"

     Magnus ran over.

     " We've got a minute at most before high tide comes flooding through here!," Halfborn explained as he, Mallory, and I began rushing to gather our stuff together." Ship, Magnus! Now!"

     Magnus picked up the hankerchief and flicked it at the water. As soon as the two made contact, the fabric transformed, unfolding until it became a full Viking Longship.

     We stared at it for a moment before Mallory asked," Can we talk about the color?"

     " Why is it-"

     " I don't know!" Magnus said." I don't know why it's yellow!"

     I was half ready to abandon the journey there. Stepping foot onto a warship THAT yellow was going to be the most humiliating moment of my afterlife.

     " Well, it doesn't matter now," Halfborn stated, although it quite clearly did matter." Load up! Hurry!"

     I rushed aboard as the berserker tossed our things aboard, with me standing on the deck to catch them by to catch them, while T.J. pulled the anchor aboard, and Magnus and Mallory held the mooring lines.

     As a wave over water came rushing towards us, Halfborn managed to throw the rest of our things aboard before everyone managed to get aboard just before the water sent us flying through the tunnel.

A/N: Sorry for the delay of updates, this chapter was a bit longer than I'd expected, and there's been some family stuff going on recently. However, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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