Action 15! (๑'•.̫ • '๑)

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Name his game

Padrone of Gangster's POV ~°•°

"The fuck!" I shouted in anger. The time is up for my two allies to come back with the news. Obviously they're knocked down. "Darn it!"

"Padrone! Padrone! Why? Why are you shouting? What happened?" One of my companion come with concern face on him. I glare at him. He bow and move backward. "I am sorry for entering your room without your permission padrone. I am just concern," he explained.

"I don't need your concern!" I shouted at his face. I stand from my chair with irritated expression. "What happened to the two? Do you have news? I need news! What happened! They didn't come on time! I told them to be here in just an hour! It's already time!"

"I-I got some news padrone," he stuttered. I look at him in a desperate way.

I strike my desk and face him angrily. "Say it." I ordered.

"P-padrone... T-the people in the police station says that they killed each other. They said that they saw our two men lying on the mall's comfort room holding guns," he pause.

"What is happening in this country! Are they crazy people? They are all thinking that our men killed each other? Oh no Filipinos! What are they thinking!"

"B-but P-padrone... I believe Padrone that they are... killed."

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows intersected.

"I-I saw a white van behind the police station. There are two people in the car and... I guess those are Austeres." I come to think a little bit after he said those things.

Ohkay... I am getting into it now. Austeres were alarmed. I guess our men was caught by them... And... Of course got killed. But... I am thinking. My Gangsters got killed by an Austeres? That's a freaking impossible.

I know we are all gangs. We are all bad people. We are all a killers. A murderers and a fighter... But we have our own strength. Austeres versus Gangsters. Of course Gangsters should win. What is happening...



"Describe the two men you saw in that van..."

"A-ahm the one man is taller than the other. The shorter one has a black messy hair. And wearing a brown v-neck shirt and a pants. While the taller one is like an old man wearing a brown long coat, a tie and a white long sleeves, a jeans and a shades. He also had black hair but... His hair cut is like cockscomb," he said vaguely.

"Oh shit! They freak us out!" I exclaimed.

"W-what do you mean padrone?"

"The guy with the cockscomb hair... That's an Austere's padrone and he is the reason why our men got killed," I explained.

"Geez. I already guess that padrone," He excitedly agreed.

"And so? You already guess it but you didn't do anything or perhaps you report it to me. You didn't do anything! Useless!" I scolded him.

"S-sorry, Padrone."

"Tsk. You're useless. If I have more people here I already kill you. Out yourself here boy!" I warned him and he carefully walk out in my room.

I seat again in my chair, calming myself.

My phone rang. I open it to hear who is on the other line. It takes a seconds before I hear it.

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