Chapter 56

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halls did not allow himself to indulge in regret.

the emperor had a saying that was right, he should find qin yi immediately.

this was not to get married immediately, but to protect qin yi.

in the same galaxy, hols and zhou yiqing said almost exactly the same thing to the people around them: "even if you don't marry him, it is a big profit to take anyone on his threat list." small countries and independent forces will take risks for this reason..."

the emperor beside hols nodded repeatedly.

not bad.

once qin yi is caught, the other party does not need to say any threatening words, but only needs to say that he will help escort qin yi over, which is a signal to ask for benefits.

it was just that zhou yiqing on the other end paused and said more: "qin yi will not be afraid?"

deputy ji yang sniffed and looked up at zhou yiqing's face.

Ji Yang thought about it and said, "Surely it will... After all, no matter what, it's an Omega.

"you're wrong."


"Being noticed by the whole world, the whole universe may become a source of danger for him." Even an Alpha should be scared. "And not because he's an Omega, so he's scared.

zhou yiqing had never had such a thought before.

After really knowing Qin Yi, if you can still say, no matter what, it is an Omega, which is easy to be torn apart by Alpha.

that would be too arrogant and stupid.

zhou yiqing glanced at ji yang.

ji yang:?

admiral zhou's gaze was extremely oppressive, and he swept over, making him feel tense at the same time, but also felt as if, as if to say, are you a little stupid?

"he must have figured out a way out for himself." zhou yiqing quickly withdrew his gaze and looked down at the cosmic map in front of him.

on this map, all the planets that humans have discovered so far, all the routes that have been developed, are marked.

is it that powerful?

can you still think of a way out for yourself under the attention of the whole world?

Ji Yang racked his brains, and he really couldn't think of any benefits for Qin Yi doing this, and what kind of retreat he could think of. It seems more like an immature Omega, a reckless move to redeem herself from hurting her family's unfilial reputation in order to get sought after by the whole world!

ji yang asked behind zhou yiqing, "so, are we still going to look for him?"

zhou yiqing: "of course.

ji yangxin said, then aren't you still worried about qin yi's safety?

zhou yiqing opened a report.

without looking up, he said, "i'm going to pursue him."

pursuit, first of all, you have to chase and run, right?

ji yang couldn't help but be a little dazed.

zhou yiqing nodded at a location on the map: "this is a stronghold of the alliance rebels.

ji yang: "before the robot riot incident in the alliance, zheng yi'an's confidant jingyuan, after fleeing from the local chaos, temporarily stationed in this stronghold, they fought fiercely with the alliance here. the course of the battle, the results of the analysis, and the specific documents of the military department have been issued..."

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