Chapter 95- Happy Birthday

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There was nothing for you to say as you stood frozen to your spot in front of what used to be the last remnant of your hometown. Katsuki was also speechless by your side as bright blue flames devoured everything in sight. Tears welled in your eyes as your palms curled into fists, shaking with absolute rage.

How could Touya do this to you?! After everything you've done for him? You protected him from everyone when they were ready to hunt him down. You gave him time to spend with his mother, you treated him like a person and not a villain, and for fucks sake you murdered Vixen in cold-blooded revenge for what she did to him and Shinso.

And after everything...after losing your quirks to save him...he still killed the last of your village.

"TOUYA!" You screamed out with irrevocable rage lacing the tone. With eyes as red as spilled blood, you charged into the remaining flames of the building as if the heat were nothing but an empty threat. You were looking for had to get this feeling off your chest. If you didn't see him soon and beat the shit out of him, you were going to explode.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Katsuki called out to you with a hand outstretched. It was too hot for him to follow you in the fire, so he cursed and used his quirk to get an aerial view of the building. The ceiling was collapsing inwards from the fire, smoke bursting through every window and crack possible. The sun was setting, and soon enough it will be just as dark as the last time your village burned.

Ten years to the day.

You made it through the house and into the back gardens to see Dao covered in trails of scarlet red blood, the fluid dripping out of him and onto the ivory snow. He looked like he was trying to walk somewhere but with the massive gash on his forehead, he had trouble seeing where he was stumbling. His beautiful monk attire was stained with his blood, forever marking the violence that touched a man's soul dedicated to peace.

This felt so wrong.

"Dao! What happened to you?" You called out after deactivating your ghost quirk. He seemed startled by your presence and his footsteps crunched as he sunk into the heavy wet snow.

"You shouldn't be should be getting ready." Dao's voice was unwavering as if he knew this was going to happen. He didn't want your help...he knew that this was going to be his last day too. Your steps quickened to catch up with him, stumbling over a rather deep sudden dip in the ground before matching his pace again.

"Let me at least dress your wounds!" You cried out, begging to help him. Dao waved you off and tripped in the snow himself. He tried to catch his breath and press his golden glowing hand against his cut forehead.

"Please listen to don't have much time."

You shut up real quick and knelt by his side.

"You have to be brave. This...this isn't going to be easy. I know you are angry and that's okay." Dao leaned forward and placed his other hand on your shoulder, his breathing labored. Only now did you realize he had a wound in his lower abdomen too. You had to clench your jaw to prevent a sob from cracking through your throat from everything going on. It was just all happening so fast! This was...this wasn't supposed to happen! You weren't ready for this all to happen again! "Y/N! LOOK AT ME!" He cut through your thoughts after seeing the panic in your eyes.


"You have to channel this anger...this hate...change it into something productive and strong. It's okay to be angry and use it to your advantage. Anger and hate are natural and it means you're human. I didn't agree with the Master when he said returning to your roots would kill you. Your fate has changed so many times this past year that it's about time you held it within your own hands and made the decision yourself. Fight. Fight on! And don't wallow in regret!" Dao's grip on your shoulder tightened and his lips were going gray from the blood draining from his face. If you were expecting anything after the events of tonight, a monk asking for you to fight for yourself was not it.

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