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A u g u s t u s   " S i l v e r "   G r i m a l d i



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The warm cookies Amelia and Gracie gave me this morning must've eventually lulled me to sleep after Silver and I put on the TV

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The warm cookies Amelia and Gracie gave me this morning must've eventually lulled me to sleep after Silver and I put on the TV.

I was grateful for the sleep though, but wasn't grateful for how I was woken.

"Calm the fuck down!" Andrei's deep voice booms, jolting me out of my sleep.

I sit up straight on the sofa to see Silver with his hands in a mock surrender grinning as Andrei and Andreas hold back Maxim.

"I don't fucking trust him, why is he sitting here with our sleeping sister?" Maxim growls, fighting against the boys' hold in order to get to Silver, who only smiles in amusement.

Once a chihuahua, always a chihuahua.

I shake the sleep off fairly quickly and get up, "What are you idiots talking about?" I grumble, yawning after I speak.

"Car!" Maxim explains, "Did you know this creep," Maxim begins, saying the words with such disdain, "was sitting here whilst you were asleep?" He says incredulously and I quirk a brow, looking between him and Silver.

"Yeah." I say blandly, "I let him in."

Maxim's face scrunches in revulsion, "What about Gigi?" He says confused, and I let out a sigh, seeing the others look at him with the kind of pity you look at a dumb puppy with.

I know high school somehow shrunk Maxim's brain but he should have some common sense left-

I shake my head, "Maxim, honey," I begin with an amused smile, "He was here for a business meeting. We just finalised some shit and he's a nice friend." I emphasise and Maxim slackens in Andrei and Andreas's holds.

They both let go of him and Maxim just looks between me and Silver, "But it's so early." He only says and I chuckle.

I glance at my phone, "For you maybe. But others consider 12pm midday." I chide and he frowns.

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