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I think we can all agree I can't exactly cook

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I think we can all agree I can't exactly cook.

I mean, I have valid justification- got kidnapped and raised by men and all that-

You know, the usual-

But it's particularly frustrating when I'm trying to do something nice for someone I love.

I frown at the French toast I made, a little burnt, but otherwise okay. I throw my head back in frustration, not good enough to serve Gigi though.

An unimpressed meow sounds out from beside me and I look down to see Rodrick staring up at me.

"I know, it's shit." I agree, then double take back to him sitting there. Alone. I narrow my eyes, pointing the spatula at him, which he tries to sniff, "Where's your girlfriend?" I ask.

When he attempts to lick the egg crumbs off the spatula I yank it back and set it aside.

He meows frustratedly before taking me by surprise and jumping up onto the counter, and fucking stealing a whole ass slice of French toast.

"Hey!" I exclaim, Rodrick stumbling off the counter and dragging the food with him- probably to devour like the greedy little shit he was. "Rodrick, you can't eat that!" I whine, following after him hurriedly so he didn't get an upset stomach.

He winds his way all the way to the sofa, dragging the piece of toast with him, and jumps, haphazardly tripping over the toast in the process.

I expect him to get comfortable and eat away- but he doesn't eat a single piece.

He only deposits the food in front of a stretched out Arabella- who I previously didn't notice lying on a blanket in the corner.

He sits back on his haunches and waits- presumably for her to eat the food he delivered.

I stop in front of them and smile softly.

That's so fucking adorable-

When Arabella actually makes a move to eat it though, my eyes widen and I launch forward to snatch it away, "Nuh-uh-uh. This isn't kitty safe." I scold, picking up the slightly slobbery bread and grimacing.

Both cats meow at me agitatedly and I suddenly feel bad.

I roll my eyes, "Fine, I'll get you something else- just wait." I give in, unable to resist their adorable faces. "You're just too damn cute-" I mutter as I turn, but I'm promptly cut off when I bump nose first into a solid, warm chest.

Hands settle on my waist to steady me and I look up, startled.

"Does that apply to me too?" Gigi voices, a soft smile on his lips, his voice raspy with sleep.

I lean into his touch after I get over my initial shock, "Mhm, you're the cutest." I say and he smiles bigger. "Though I'm not sure you'll like what I get you." I wince, holding up the vandalised piece of toast Rodrick stole.

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