Prologue Part 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: This is not going to be some happy friendship everything goes well type of story, I'm going to take a much darker tone and more drama/action type approach to this fanfiction

Unknown Amount of Eons Years Ago

Theodon was in a dark room meditating, as he had been for the past 7 billion Earth years, no food, water, or sleep, was still alive by the raw energy of life around him. Yet, a man who could pass to be no older than in his early 60s appeared in his room

Myron- Theodon, it's time

Theodon- Already? I've been waiting for Eons for this moment, Master

Myron- Well, it's the moment where you take my place, God of Reality. Remember the story

Theodon- Of course, the 3 Pillars to Existence. The God of Reality controls all of space, life, and planets. God of Time, the one who controls the lifespan of mortals on said planets, is also able to travel through timelines, both parallel universes and future, and past. Then there's the Omnipotent, Creator of Gods, he's the reason we are conscious and free of our decision right as we speak

Myron- Correct, these powers are passed on to apprentices, chosen by prophecy, Theo my boy, I believe that you will lead a great haven someday

Theodon- I promise

Myron- But, remember, with inheriting this power, you also get the consequences of it

Theodon- Chaos, correct?

Myron- Yes, the worst of it, too. Chaos has gotten more and more unstable in my old age, hopefully, you will have the strength to fight it off unlike I have currently

Theodon- Maybe I'll be able to tame and control it

Myron- Don't get ahead of yourself child, you may have Eons ahead of you, but they will go by in a matter of seconds

Theodon- Yessir

Myron- Well, I'd have to say, these last 5 Sextillion years, have been a journey

Theodon- They sure have, Master

Myron- Remember what I have taught you my boy, and don't forget it

Theodon- Yes sir, Master Myron

Holy Guard then appeared and grabbed Myron

Myron- It has been fun, Theodon, Soon-to-be God of Reality

Myron disappeared and Theodon teleported to his quarters, where he got into the transference attire. Then teleported to the arena, where multiple gods, deities, and angels gathered to watch a new pillar of existence be formed. Theodon then saw Myron chained to a pillar

This is the land of Gods, those beyond the mortal plane, and they control everything going on within it

Omnipotent- Myron, the current God of reality, has acknowledged his apprentice Theodon, to become the current God of Reality, as well, as the Holder of Chaos. As we know you Gods, Deities, and Angels, have feared that creation, it is where our darkest demons lay. This process will make Theodon known as the Current God of Reality, granting him immortality, and a grant to the mortal world if necessary. Now, Theodon, do you accept this power, knowing that it would cost the life of your master Myron?

Theodon- Yes Omnipotent, I accept

Omnipotent- Myron, do you accept passing your powers to Theodon, knowing that it would cost your life?

Myron- I accept

Omnipotent- Now, both recipient and holder have accepted the conditions, MAKABUTO!!

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