Wedding Part 1

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Theodon participated in the events, still feeling uneasy about Cadance's presence. Unfortunately, Alina wants him to calm his worry and trust her. As night came over a knock was heard in his study

Theodon- Come in. 

Twilight walked into the room and sat in front of him 

Twilight- Cadance is suspicious. Something isn't right about her. 

Theodon- You've felt it too didn't you? Her Aura is off, it's like she's hiding something. What about the others? 

Twilight- They don't feel any bad vibes coming off of her. But they have already gotten too comfortable and now they are her bridesmaids. 

Theodon- They've lost their focus, for as novice as they are they won't be able to feel that energy coming off of her subconsciously

Twilight- My Brother, he's being coersed or mind controlled or something!

Theodon- What's making you say this? 

Twilight- I saw her use magic on my brother, a green energy to control him, he said his head was hurting but she then used that magic on him and he's not acting like himself

Theodon- Green Magic? 

Twilight- Yes, why? 

Theodon- Tomorrow morning during the rehearsal, I need you to confront her, okay? 

Twilight- Wait, why me? 

Theodon- just trust me alright. When they rehearse the weeding, confront her calling her evil and stuff like that, accuse her of what she's doing. 

Twilight- O-Okay? 

Theodon looked through his books and drawers until he found a tailisman and a piece of paper to give to her

Theodon- Look, keep this talisman with you, if anything happens to you or God Energy is used on you it'll burn giving me a signal on this paper, whatever color we have is our issue, if there is one.

Twilight- You're using me as bait?

Theodon- I need you to trust me, this'll work, I have an Idea that I'll explain later. 

Twilight- Okay, I trust you.

The Next Morning, Theodon met up with Alina before the rehearsal

Alina- Are you coming to the Rehearsal Theodon? You've been absent the whole time. I know I told you to stop being suspicious of her but at least act like you want to be here. 

Theodon- I just need time, I won't be at the rehearsal but i'll try to be at the other stuff. 

Alina- Okay, you better be there soon.

Theodon- gotcha...  

Theodon's Study

The paper began to turn green as a marking formed on the paper

Theodon- Changeling... Chrysalis

Theodon left his study found Alina 

Theodon- Alina, I have something to tell you 

Alina- So do I, you need to either keep your thoughts to yourself or You need to screw Twilights head on thoroughly. Because I don't know what's going on between you or her but this whole thing of victimizing Cadance as a traitor stops now 

Theodon- You have to sense the energy coming off of her Alina, think for a second and just pay attention, whatever it is, it isn't normal!

Alina- A lot of stuff isn't normal right now, and this was the one normal event that I was looking forward to and you and Twilight are ruining it!

Theodon- Alina... You have to believe me 

Alina- I just want to enjoy something for onece, Theodon. Do you know what that's like, ever since discord it's been destruction, corruption, chaos and fighting! I just want a small sliver of peace if it was possible and you two accusing a close friend of mine isn't helping out at all! So either leave Canterlot until the wedding is over or swallow your pride and enjoy the festivities gonig on because who knows when the next time we are going to get to enjoy life, or not have to worry about someone dying!

Theodon- Fine... 

Alina- Give me the paper... 

Theodon gave her the papaer and she ripped it into pieces

Alina- Please, we don't know when the next attack will be so please, let us... Let me enjoy this.

Theodon left with Alina and reluctantly attenuated the festivities to which Twilight was absent to each and every one of them. And when asking anyone, they dismissed the question, not showing any interest in talking about her. But soon enough the time had come for the wedding 

Theodon waited in the watchtower for the wedding to start, Neoma, Alina, and everyone else was preparing for the ceremony while he couldn't get the thought of  Twilight's location out of his head, her just spontaneously disappearing is suspicious by any standard but he can't bring it up to anyone. Theodon ran into Cadance on his way to the ceremony 

Theodon- Hey. 

Cadance- Theodon, I'm so glad you decided to let the tension between us fade

Theodom- Yeah, I'm just glad you get to live out your dream today. You're very lucky. 

Cadance- Well, you should be getting on now, don't want to be late. 

Theodon- Yes, You should get ready too, I'll see you at the wedding princess. 

Theodon walked past her and could feel her energy increasing by the second. But he couldn't pinpoint the source or the origin. There was no point

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