Intruder (Season 4 Premiere)

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Crystal Empire

Twilight, a newly named Princess, was on her way to the Crystal Empire along with her friends. Applejack, Illoua, and Spike were still out of commission, and inside the Heart of Life. It's been 2 Weeks since the battle with Fruglen and Discords deal was still in the back of everyone's mind. 

Rainbow- Have you heard from anyone? 

Theodon- Nothing, It's been silence. Illoua was the only one who knew the inside help. Without her, I don't have any leverage or knowledge in general about the attack. 

Rainbow- And Illoua is still in the Heart along with Applejack and Spike. 

Theodon- Look, we did what we went there to do. We got Spike back... but Fru--

Twilight- I let Fruglen, Free... If I didn't let my emotions get the best of me... 

Rarity- You were able to save Spike. If you didn't get out of hand then Spike would still be possessed or worse... we'd be gone. 

Twilight- I knew Snatch would separate the two... but I was hoping to just get the soul. I didn't know he'd regain his body.

Theodon- I Snatch is a double-edged sword in situations like this. It's not your fault. Hey, you also were able to become an Alircorn... So it's not completely negative. 

Twilight- I guess that's great... but as long as I see Fruglen Again, I won't let him get away. 

Theodon- We'll be ready the next time. 

The gang arrived to the Empire and left the train. The Empire was looking better than ever before. 

Theodon- This place has gotten better since we've last month. 

Twilight- Shinning Armor has been giving me updates about the Empire. The Crystal Ponies have been the best they have in centuires. 

Theodon- This will be nice. We all deserve a break after what we've been through 

Fluttershy- Agreed. We've been so busy that we haven't had the time to just enjoy ourselves. This will be nice. 

The Group arrives at the castle and gets to the Throne Room where Alina, Neoma, and Cadance were waiting for them. 

Alina- I'm glad you all could make it. The rest of you should make yourselves comfortable, we can talk in the morning. 

Everyone left to to their rooms, Thankfully they all were able to have their own. Theodon sat in his room thinking about the fight to come. He looked out the window, looking at peace had had a weird comfort to him. Theodon laid in bed and fell into his slumber. 

The night was peaceful and quiet, the castle had little to no movement whatsoever. In the midst of night, a woman walked through the halls of the castle, keeping herself quiet she snuck her way into Theodon's Room

 In the midst of night, a woman walked through the halls of the castle, keeping herself quiet she snuck her way into Theodon's Room

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