The Null Realm (Season Finale)

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Theodon- I'm sorry... You sent him where?

Alina- I sent him to the Null Realm

Theodon- Bring him back!!

Alina- He'll cause more damage if we bring him back

Theodon- He would've been normal with the Purification spell

Alina- I couldn't risk it

Twilight- What's the Null Realm?

Alina- The Null Realm is a reality outside of our own, mistakes go there... terrible mistakes...

Null Realm

Spike fell to the ground and came to when he felt the biting ice and snow along his back

Spike- Where the am I? Twilight, Rarity, Celestia... Anyone!!

he looked around, everything was dark, grey, and cold, far colder than his body could take, he tried to burn something but even his fire couldn't do much to keep him warm

Spike- It's freezing

he walked endlessly, trying with what little energy he had left to keep himself warm until he came across a dim light in the distance

Spike- LIght, there must be someone... or something over there

he hobbled himself closer until he fell to the ground and crawled to the edge where he looked down

he hobbled himself closer until he fell to the ground and crawled to the edge where he looked down

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Spike stood up and saw multiple citizens but they looked off, they had... horns

Spike- Where... where am I?

He passed out and fell down the cliff to the bottom and someone walked up to him

Spike- Twi..light...

He passed out before he could clearly see who was there

Canterlot Castle Throne Room

Alina- Lord Theodon, I understand please forgive me

Theodon- You sent him to the Null Realm

Neoma- Lord Theodon, If I may...

Theodon- Neoma, I must talk to her about this

Alina- Look, I don't have enough energy to bring him back yet, just give me some time... but can't you do it?

Theodon- You Don't just bring someone back from the Null Realm. you are BANISHED there, and the amount of energy to bring them back is far more immense than sending someone there

Alina- How?

Theodon- The Null realm is a hell, we'll be lucky to bring spike back in one piece if he isn't mentally destroyed by now... the number of people I've seen, I've cared about banished there forever... there's God there that could destroy this world... and if he's to come in contact... You think Nikolas would've been bad? They're far worse... morals wouldn't apply to them

Theodon looked out the window and cast and dome over all of them

Theodon- I'm about to show you a glimpse of the Null Realm...

Theodon's eyes turned black as the dome warped into a frozen wasteland

Theodon's eyes turned black as the dome warped into a frozen wasteland

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Theodon- T̵h̵i̴s̵ ̷i̵s̴ ̵t̴h̵e̴ ̶N̶u̴l̷l̵ ̷R̷e̷a̵l̶m̵.̵ ̴A̶ ̷f̴r̶o̷z̴e̴n̸ ̸w̵a̷s̶t̸e̸l̵a̷n̴d̸.̴.̵.̶ ̸a̴ ̵g̶r̴a̸v̶e̴y̴a̸r̵d̶ ̶f̶o̸r̴ ̵f̸a̷i̴l̶u̷r̸e̸s̷

Twilight- Spike was sent here?

Alina- I never seen it in person

Theodon- T̷h̴e̷r̴e̸ ̸a̴r̷e̶ ̸p̴e̴o̴p̵l̸e̸ ̴h̸e̴r̸e̴.̸.̴.̷ ̵M̵o̷n̶s̷t̸e̸r̴s̸ ̸t̶h̸a̴t̴ ̵w̷e̴r̴e̷ ̵b̵a̸n̸i̸s̷h̶e̷d̷,̴ ̴k̸i̴l̵l̷e̸d̵,̴ ̸c̶o̶r̸r̸u̶p̸t̸e̶d̵.̴.̴.̷ ̶a̵l̶l̵ ̴o̶f̴ ̶t̸h̶e̵m̸ ̶w̸e̶r̴e̶ ̷s̶e̷n̴t̵ ̴h̵e̴r̶e̶ ̴

Twilight- We have to do find Spike!

Theodon removed the dome and his eyes turned to normal

Theodon- We can't... The Null Realm will kill anyone who isn't prepared or has a high tolerance to God Energy

Neoma- We have bigger things to worry about right now

Theodon- You're correct, we have tipped the scale of this Game in our favor, now that i've attained my God Weapon I can do more ... we can do more against our enemies... I must go

Alina- Where are you going

Theodon- wherever I am now trouble will follow, follow me if you want but now I have to hunt them down rather than wait for the trouble to come to us

Neoma- Then stay here... we have to tell the people, warn them of what is to come

Theodon- That's not possible

Twilight- Lord Theodon, If I may...

Theodon- What?

Twilight- Train me more... I want to master God Energy, I don't care how long it takes

Theodon- If you're up for it, you know it'll be dangerous right?

Twilight- understand, but I need to master God Energy to protect everyone else... to protect the world, and to save spike if possible

Theodon nodded his head and Twilight Followed

Theodon- Don't worry, you all, she'll be fine, this is me we're talking about

Twilight- Goodbye girls, We'll see each other soon, and one day, laugh about this

They said there goodbyes and Theodon teleported them away

Null Realm

Spike woke up in a room next to a fire

Spike- Where.... where am I

???- Calm down... you're safe

Spike saw a girl standing next to him

Spike saw a girl standing next to him

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Spike- Who... who are you?

???- I Am Renaé, Daughter of Ihmir, The God of Magic

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