Operation: ____ _______ Part 1

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The Mane 6 were walking through the Castle. Twilight walked through the hallway admiring the estate. 

Twilight- This is all still a lot, there's way too much space for me. This isn't something I can get used to 

Rainbow- It's so cool though, I think you finally earned the name, Princess, Twi. 

Twilight- Ehh... I don't know Rainbow Dash. I still have a lot to learn, and this time, I'm on my own. 

AJ- Speaking of learning, what was that whole thing you hit Tirek with that killed him? 

Twilight- That... Well uhh... I don't know. 

RD- Don't know? What do you mean don't know? It was so cool!

Twilight- In the moment, I just let loose y'know? If I had to describe it... I just put everything in my hands and started punching

Pinkie- It was all Boom! Bam! Whoosh! 

Rarity- The Sparkles, and the trails of stardust behind you were beautiful! You have to find a way to recreate it. 

Twilight- I hope we don't have another situation where I have to recreate it. 

Twilight- Should we let Illoua know? 

Rainbow- Why? She's just gonna lecture us and tell us to go, 30 minutes after we decided to go. 

Rarity- As much as I love her, Rainbow is Right. Illoua is... Overwhelming at some points. I say we take this on ourselves. It can't be that hard. 

Fluttershy- I think Illoua is trying her best, but... I agree that she's a bit suffocating at different times. But... I'm not against going out on our own. It'd be fun to go out on an adventure, like with just... us. 

AJ- I agree with you, Flutters. We should, head out, this place doesn't look that far. We can make it there before mid-day. 

Twilight- Alright then girls, Let's do this!

Somewhere in Equestria

Fruglen walked through a village, the ponies could feel his menacing energy radiating off of him

Villager- Um excuse me... s-sir. 

Fruglen looked down at him and walked away

Villager- Sir! What are you doing here?! 

Fruglen- What are you doing? Raising your tone at me, boy. 

Villager- I am the Mayor of this town, I cannot let you make my people uncomfortable. 

Fruglen- How many people are here. Your citizens I mean

Villager- I-I Don't know, enough to keep us going, enough to defend ourselves... 

Fruglen- Is that so? Let me see something then... 

Fruglen Spiked his energy and made a hand seal

Fruglen Spiked his energy and made a hand seal

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Domain Expansion: Cursèd Hell

A dome wrapped around the entire village, the darkness was blinding, but the silence wouldn't last long. Screams were heard all around and Fruglen's Laugh could fill the ears of the Mayor. The Dome dropped and the Mayor stood alone with Fruglen and the entire village was leveled with bloodstains carpeting the ground

Fruglen- Now, I ask again... How many people live here

Canterlot High

Theodore sat at a table outside, classes were over and it was just him, Sandya and the other went home but Theodore wanted to do something before he left. Thankfully he would have to wait long as Flash Sentry walked out the door. 

Theodore- Flash. 

Flash- What do you want? 

Theodore- I want to apologize, Flash. About the whole Battle of the Bands. There was things going on, with the Dazzlings, my head was clouded and I didn't know much. Long story short, I was an asshole to you and the Band. I'm sorry, Flash. 

Flash- Look, seeing as we all were mind controlled, I can cut you some slack... But in the end there were things that were said. Some that can't be taken back. So don't talk to me for a while.

Theodore- I-I Understand

Flash walked off and Theodore went his own way. He looked at his phone and looked through his pictures, his friends, fami̷͚̻̹̼̲̺̲̲̹͉͂͛̀̏̏̎̚͘l̸͍̩̩̺̈̍͝ý̴̼͙͚̹͌̿͊͂̇̔͘?̴̡̞͙̘̫͇̜̮͔̮͐̏̓͗̽̚̚͝... Theodore's memory felt foggy for a second like a portion of his memory didn't feel right. 

Theodore returned home and sat on the bed. Holding his head in his hands, it somehow felt blank but overfilled at the same time. He was brought out of thought by a knock on his door. Going to open it, he saw Sandya standing there

Theodore- Hey, what are you doing here? 

Sandya- I just wanted to stop by... I wanted to see you

Theodore- Uhh, yeah... okay. I'm... I'm actually glad you're here, Sandya. Can we talk for a minute? 

Sandya- Yeah, of course. 

Theodore let her in and she sat on his couch

Sandya- What's wrong? 

Theodore- Have you ever feel like... you remember something but don't? Or something like that... 

Sandya- Oh yeah, I know what you mean. You feel like you have memories that you know you've had but they aren't there

Theodore- Yes! Exactly

Sandya- Had the same issue, it still goes on but I'm working on it. 

Theodore- How? How did you fix it? 

Sandya- I... uhh I don't know

Theodore- But you said, you're working on it!

Sandya- Didn't say I was good at it. But, I can help you a bit... Come with me. 

Theodore followed Sandya and after a good hike they found themselves at a lake

Theodore- What's going on here? 

Sandya- Whenever I wanted to clear my head, I come here... Maybe it'll help you? 

Theodore- Let's hope... 

They sat down next to each other and looked at the lake

Theodore- It helps but... not enough, Sandya

Sandya- What's going on in your head? Tell me

Theodore- I want to know... My mind feels so locked up and I want to know

Sandya grabbed Theodore head and butted their foreheads

Theodore- Ow! What was that for?!

Sandya- My Friend, Twilight, she did something like this and I wanted to see if it would work if I did it. 

Theodore- Well... Did it? 

Sandya- Not as well as I suspected

Sandya and Theodore sat there and looked at each other nervously 

Theodore- I-I uh... 

Something then crashed into the ground and another crash happened too. 

Theodore- What was that? 

Sandya- Stay behind me...

Li'Kahl stood up from the crater and a creature appeared from the other

Li'Kahl- Bring it, Motherfucker

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