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Theodon and the others arrived in Canterlot in the courtyard.

Rarity- This place, it's Ethereal, how do we even get in

Theodon- You can't really, not without having one of these.

Theodon Held out a pennant

Theodon- This allows us to enter Canterlot, there are certain others who have temporary passes, like Cadence, or other people... I voted for spells but This would be convenient for now

Twilight- So, where is Cadance, I haven't seen her in ages

Theodon- You know her?

Twilight- Of course, I do, she was my foal-sitter

Theodon- I need to get to know you more.

Alina- You were able to get them

Theodon- Of course I was, this is me we're taking about

Alina- Can I talk with you?

Theodon- Yeah, Twilight you live here so show them around, you might run into your brother or Cadance.

Twilight- Yeah, sure.

Theodon and Alina waked off as she opened a portal to a separate part of the Palace

Alina- You and your suspicions need to cool it. Cadance clearly noticed that you don't have a good feeling about her. I've known her since she was a student in my school of magic!

Theodon- You have your own school for magic? Sounds kinda narcissistic.

Alina- I'm being serious here. Get your act straight.

Theodon- Fine, I'll try to tolerate her, but something is of I just need you to trust me.

Alina- I'll be cautious, happy?

Theodon- Fine.

Null Realm

Spike stood at the exit portal of the Null Realm. He had no attachment to this realm anymore. With Renaé dead, Ihmir dead, and the entire village massacred, Spike had not reason to stay there.

Spike- All I got is you now... and if I ever see Nikolas... My blood seethes at saying his name, Theodon... He may be an asshole, but I want Nikolas dead before him. He isn't wrong, I can't fight him on my own. I need help, but not from Theodon, or Twilight, or any of them. I need to go somewhere else.

Spike turned around to give the Null Realm one last look.

Spike- Goodbye.

Spike walked through the portal and was back at the temple in Equestria.

Spike- It's just us now, but I know where I can find more like us, if there are any left.

Realm of Gods

The Room was is chaos, all Primordial Gods and the only Pillar had to adjoin with news of an Entrance to the Null Realm being opened, No one knew what could happen.

Nikolas- I hear your concerns, trust me, I handled it.

Li'Kahl- How do you know that? We understand you went in there and masscred a community, that's unethical by the way, an—

Li'Kahl: God of The Afterlife

Li'Kahl: God of The Afterlife

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