New World

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Theodon- Well, nice to meet you all. I am Theodon, the mentor of Celestia... and the God of Reality 

 Twilight- It's still hard to believe, but we're here to understand everything that happened 

Rarity- I agree, the actual mentor of the Princess, I thought they would dress better at least? 

Theodon- I was sealed for who knows how long? 

Twilight- sealed away... for what? 

Theodon- Well, we're going to get to that. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, so prepare yourself

Twilight- well, okay 

Theodon- I created this reality... all of you are creations of my doing, along with my partner, Nikolas, the God of time

Twilight and her group were visibly distressed, and questioning everything 

Theodon- But, you all have free will. So everything that you have done and plan to do is all of your own will and thought. 

Rainbow dash- But everything we've done... was it all said in done... like in a comic or something?

Theodon- Do you not understand the meaning of free will? that's what it means

Twilight- Sorry about her... she's a bit... Rudimentary but continue 

Theodon- Well long story short... when Nikolas and I visited this world...  he dropped any interest after we were attacked... but I grew affection and spent time her, months to years even... teaching Celestia and Luna... The-- Wait, where is Luna? 

Alina- She's gathering herself, somewhere else... 

Theodon- Alina... what happened when I was gone 

Alina- When you were sealed away... a lot happened, discord a being of chaos, and My sister, she let the Darkness take over... and I had to seal her away on the moon, but this group brought her back, and now she's gathering herself again, but needs some time alone 

Theodon- I see, well, to continue where we left off, I taught them God Techniques, and when they had their battle against King Sombra, I had to leave, that's when I was corrupted by the Omnipotent, it... is everything in anything... it's existence as a whole, none of us would be here without it... years here passed and I never returned that's when all of that happened in my absence, when I returned, I destroyed the city of Canterlot, but Celesta soon put a stop to my rampage,  then we made an agreement with the Omnipotent, and that agreement put the Omnipotents most powerful criminals against this world, Cerberus was only a foot soldier compared to what is coming

Twilight- How will we help then? 

Theodon- Well, Twilight, that We, will turn into an I, Twilight, there's a special power within you, an Energy that runs through both Celestia, Luna, and I. God Energy, It's oblivious to me to how you have it, more than anything Born with it... you use it just as if it's common magic

Twilight- You mean? 

Theodon- Twilight, you have the potential, More than Celestia, More than Luna... You have the potential to become a God, just like me

Twilight- A-A God? 

Twilight was overwhelmed by this information and sat down 

Twilight- That's a lot to take in... I don't know what to say? 

Rainbow- That's awesome, a God? Do you know how strong you'll be!?

Twilight-  but do you know the dangers that could come with it? 

Rarity- But the amount of things you'll be able to do? Stronger than both the princesses? Tha--

Theodon- But you're weak

All of them looked shocked by this counter. from what they heard this would be crazy 

Twilight- What do you mean I'm weak?

Theodon- You have no knowledge of God Techniques, and although you can manipulate God Energy, you can't use it in Combat

Rainbow- What do you mean, She'll take you down in seconds 

Theodon- Want to test that? 

Twilight- Then, if that's the case, Duel Me

Theodon- Alright, let's go right now then 

Twilight- Right here in the throne room? 

Theodon- No, right here... Domain Expansion: Reality's Creation

Theodon's horn glowed as The Room changed into a area in space and the ground glowed in some kind of energy but they were all able to stand in it

Theodon- Right here... one attack, full power. 

They all were overwhelmed and Twilight soon regathered herself

Theodon- Ready?

Twilight- Yes...

Theodon- Alright then, you take the first shot

Her friends cheered her on as Twilight charged her strongest blast

Twilight- " Put everything I have into this, nothing special or flashy. I'll show him who's weak! "

She shot the blast at Theodon as the path beneth the blast was destroyed 

Theodon- Hmm... it's not bad...

Theodon raised his hoof and slapped it away with ease 

Theodon- But you're going to need a lot more than that to scratch me

Twilight- What? 

Alina- Alright, end it!!

Theodon- You know how a duel works Alina, it's my turn now 

Alina- Theodon stop!!

Theodon fired a tiny beam at Twilight, even though it was small it was fast, though she was able to dodge, yet when it hit the ground far away a giant explosion erupted, and the dust and wind was vicious 

Twilight- that small beam... did all of that? That means putting Cerberus away would've been child's play... he slapped my strongest blast away and a small beam from him did that... the gap between us... it's as if, planets have put us apart

Theodon- The God of Reality is far more than a Title

Theodon deactivated the Domain and they were back in the Throne room

Theodon- How's that, Ms. Twilight Sparkle? 

Twilight- I understand the gap between us now... I'm ready to start closing it

Theodon- Hmm, well if you're ready, then come here tomorrow then, at Dawn's rise meet me outside the castle. Your training will soon begin!!

Twiligt- Yessir!

They all left and I was just Theodon and Alina 

Theodon- You're not wrong, for only a unicorn, her manipulation and cause of God Energy. It's obvious why Cerberus would go for her first. 

Alina- Are you going to bring that up? 

Alina lifted up his hof to reveal scratches where he deflected her attack 

Alina- Weak, huh? 

Theodon- Compared to me she is... but I twitched her insecurity, thaat's how I got past her... 

Alina- A Physcological battle 

Theodon- and I won. But if she's able to do this with little to no training... I'm excited what she could do with actual training 

God Of Reality: World of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now