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2 Weeks Later

Theodon and Celestia waited in the throne room and waited for their special guest. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or simply Princess Cadance. And at the perfect time, she walked through the door.

Alina- Theodon, may I introduce Princess Cadence. She will be holding her wedding here at Canterlot

Theodon- Princess Cadence, it is an honor. I congratulate you on your wedding. 

Cadance- Thank you, Theodon. I thank you. 

Theodon notices something about Cadence, he senses something unusual but can't quite put his finger on it.

Alina- I'm glad you decided to return here for your celebration

Cadance- Well, Canterlot holds much sentimental value to me so without question, it would be here

Theodon remains stoic, his wariness evident.

Cadance- Is something wrong, Theodon?

Theodon- Forgive me if I'm not quick to trust you, a lot has happened recently

Celestia interjects, trying to ease the tension.

Alina- Theodon, I vouch for Princess Cadence. She comes with the purest intentions.

Theodon nods, acknowledging Celestia's words, but his eyes remain fixed on Cadence. 

Theodon- Well if the Princess voiches for you then I trust you

As Theodon turns away, he contemplates Cadence internally, sensing an energy that doesn't align with the harmony she claims.

Theodon- "There's something off about her. Her energy... it's potent, strong. But it doesn't feel like the any form of God Energy Celestia or I possess. What is she hiding?"

Cadence, noticing Theodon's reservations, tries to engage him in conversation.

Cadance- Theodon, tell me about yourself. I haven't really seen you around here before.

Theodon- I am from a place far from here, I was a friend of Celestia and we go far back.

Cadence probes further, but Theodon remains guarded, only revealing the bare minimum about himself.

Cadance- You're a man of few words, Theodon.

Theodon- Actions speak louder than words, Princess.

Cadance- Well, I hope my actions prove myself to you

Ponyville: SugarCube Corner 

Twilight- I still feel weird being here. It doesn't feel right. 

Rarity- Twilight, You haven't been in ponyville for over a month, it's like you've exiled yourself. 

Fluttershy- Yeah, please, come back everyone missed you

Twilight- Everyone? or just the 5 of you

Fluttershy- Oh... um... 

Twilight- Exactly, I don't think I will comeback. Not yet at least

The three of them walked out to see Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash outside 

Twilight- Why are you three here? 

Rainbow dash- The same could be said for you. We were asked to be here. 

Applejack- more like sent here.

Twilight- By who? 

Theodon appeared in front of them all 

Twilight- Theodon... Why are you here? 

Theodon- Congrats you 6, there's gonna be a wedding and you're all invited. 

Null Realm

Spike was in a frozen Tundra killing mist creatures out of anger and revenge.

Spike- All of this... this destruction, it's all because of you. 

He returned to the village and met with Ihmir

Ihimr- You need to get some hobbies, Spike. 

Spike- Why? I have hobbies

Ihmir- You wake up, come to me, read about you Dragon's Breath, prepare for war, go fight Mist Creatures, and come back. You barely talk to anyone besides me. 

Spike- Sorry but I don't really talk to anyone anymore... since Renaé

Ihmir- Renaé this Renaé that, come on. Spike she's my own daughter but I'm not spending all of my time being all angsty about it. 

Spike- Whatever

 Ihmir- What would Renaé say if she saw you like this? 

Spike- I don't know. 

Ihmir- You do know, you're just avoiding it. 

Spike- What does it matter? 

Ihmir- Because this matters. 

Ihmir held up the glass vile holding the fame and Renaé said was their child.

Ihmir- She might've died, but she gave you her life, her future in this flame

Spike- Is that it? You don't think I know that?!

Ihmir- Then act like it. I know you're emotional about Renaé not being her, about her being dead. But don't dig yourself into a hole of being an emotional wreck. 

Spike- What do you want me to do then? There isn't much to do in this hell hole and there is an exit but that's where our enemies are! So tell me, what the hell else am I supposed to do?!

Ihmir- You're right okay? You are right but don't put yourself into an emotional hole. There are people who rely on you, you need to be mentally stable

Spike- Y-You.. 

Ihmir- You know I'm right. 

Spike- Fuck you Ihmir

Spike left the house and went to his place

Spike- Who the hell does he think he is? Thinking he knows what's wrong with me and how I can fix myself. No one understand me only... only she did

Rarity- Nothing is wrong with you dear, you're fine just as you are

Spike- Rarity? How the hell are you here? 

Applejack- Don't worry about that, can't stop by to say hi? 

Spike- You shoudn't be here... You shouldn't know where the entrance... How are you even able to survive the cold? W-Where's Twilight? 

Rainbow Dash- What does that have to do with anything? 

Spike-Where. Is. Twilight. 

Twillight- It's okay Spike, not all of us aren't stable enough to handle reality. 

Spike- You bitch. 

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