Theodore, Knight of Camid

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Theodore and Lukis were on horseback, riding through the flatlands headings towards Kingdom Ferrant. The way there was simple and uneventful, Theodore's mind was off somewhere else. 

Lukis- Theodore, You There? 

Theodore- Huh? Yeah, I'm here... 

Lukis- Hey, I get you miss your woman, but don't let it get in the way of the mission. 

Theodore- What mission is currently going on? We're doing nothing!

Lukis- You need to take things more seriously 

Theodore- I get it, but unlike you, I have someone to go back to after this. 

Lukis- I have a purpose. That's all I need. 

Theodore- I have a beautiful woman waiting for me. 

Lukis- You really are a specimen, Theodore

Theodore- I'm the one and only 

Lukis- the Sun is setting, we should set camp soon. 

Theodore- Yeah... 

The night was calm, with the crackling of the campfire providing the only sound in the dense forest. Theodore and Lukis sat by the fire, their faces illuminated by the flames.  As they ate in silence

Theodore- Lukis, there's something I wanna to tell you.

Lukis grunted in acknowledgment, not looking up from his meal. Theodore hesitated for a moment before continuing

Theodore- When we return from this mission, I'm gonna leave Camid with Sandya.

Lukis paused, the meat halfway to his mouth. He shot Theodore a surprised and almost offended look. 

Lukis- What? Why would you do that? Camid is your responsibility!

Theodore remained calm, staring into the flames. 

Theodore- I know, Lukis. But I want to see the world with Sandya. There's so much out there to see and experience. I don't want to be tied down. Especially as a knight marching his way into a war.

Lukis set down his skewer, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. 

Lukis- So you're just going to abandon your duties because you want to travel? Camid needs you. Sandya can wait.

Theodore - I've made up my mind, Lukis. we've been thinking about it for a while. I want to live my life differently.

Lukis shook his head, frustration evident in his voice.

Lukis- This is not just about you, Theodore. Camid relies on us. You're going to abandon your service to the Kingdom over your woman?!

Theodore -I'm sorry, Lukis. I've made my decision... I'm not gonna march to death

Lukis, unable to comprehend Theodore's perspective, stared into the fire for a moment. Finally, in frustration

Lukis- Fine. Do what you want. I won't say anything, but don't come back to Camid if you want to keep your head.

He stood up abruptly and walked away, finding a spot to lay down 

Theodore watched Lukis go, He had expected resistance, but the intensity of Lukis's reaction caught him off guard. Without saying another word, Theodore finished his meal, extinguished the campfire, and settled down for the night.

The Night was silent, the tension had finally dispersed and Theodore and Lukis were able to catch some sleep, or a little bit at least. Theodore, in the dead of night, focused on the noise of the forrest, or the lack of noise. 

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