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Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack- No, Hell No! A thousand times over no!

Applebloom- Applejack, liste--

Applejack- You're not going to the Realm of Gods. You're too young! not experienced enough!

Rarity- I can agree! They could get caught, or worse hurt! I'm not going to risk them getting hurt just so that you can get a message to other gods!

Rainbow- Yeah! Illoua you have to be crazy!

Illoua- I understand why you're against this but list--

Rarity- I'm not going to send my little sister into the Realm of Gods!

Applejack- Illoua, you better have a damn good reason, These girls aren't prepared for that. We haven't even been there!

Illoua- That's the key. They haven't been there, they don't know they even exist. 

Theodon- This is new, a little bit out of the box, even for you Illoua. 

Illoua- We have to use the resources given to us. The Gods don't know about them, and they can get your message to the Realm of Gods, just make sure what you have to say is good. 

Theodon- Girls... I can completely Understand why you don't want them to go... But--

Applejack- There ain't no but. I'm not send my Little Sister straight to the enemy because you want to give some message!

Sweetie Belle- Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash. Understand, we can do this!

Rarity- Sweetie belle this isn't one of your little adventures for your cuite mark

Scootaloo- We know, but it's like Ms.Illoua said, They aren't gonna expect us. It'll be simple! You gotta trust us!

Applebloom- We'll be in and out before anyone notices us

Applejack- Theodon...will this work?

Theodon- on paper... maybe, highly possible... You three.

The CMC stood together at looked at Theodon. He took a big sigh and projected a map of The Realm of Gods.

Rarity- You can't be serious, Applejack you of all ponies shouldn't be considering this...

 Theodon- It's our best shot. You three said you'd be in and out right?

CMC- Yes Sir!

Theodon marked point on the map. He condensed the information into energy and shot them into their heads.

Theodon- I gave you the locations of where you're going to be putting these

Theodon summoned discs infront of him

Theodon- I am going to record my message. I gave you easy access points so there shouldn't be any issues getting there.

Applebloom- What're ya going to say? 

Theodon- That's a Surprise... You're just gonna have to listen as you make your exit. You're going to have to go through the Heart of Life to get there. Since you three don't have God Energy, if you don't bring attention to yourselves, you should be fine. Illoua, you can take then to the Heart, but from there, you'll be on your own. Okay? 

CMC- Yes Sir!

Heart of Life

Illoua- Alright, Down there, you'll find the Heart. When you get there, head south, you'll find the gate to the Realm of Gods. From there... just do as we said, alright/ 

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