Twilight vs Tirek

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Twilight flew in the sky, looking for any signatures that resembled what was described to be Tirek, But nothing, she couldn't find him. 

Twilight- Where are you!? 

Twilight let out a burst of energy, and it was able to spark out a signature. 

Twilight- He steals Energy... So energy at my level... it's a moth to a flame. 

Twilight let out more bursts of energy to the ground and Something was flying toward her

Twilight- There you are... 

Twilight flew towards him and kicked Tirek into the ground. 

Twilight- Come on, you're all big and bad! You're standing between my friends and me having the peace that EARNED!!!

Tirek- I Feel the energy radiating off of you, the Gods, they gave all of their energy to you? 

Twilight- What does it matter, you're not gonna live anymore after this day.

Tirek- You're Arrogant. I've fought more battles than you've taken breaths

Twilight- I Fought Nikolas and won. So let's see who's tougher shit. 

The air crackled with tension as Twilight faced Tirek. Both of them stood at the ready, their gazes locked. Twilight, her eyes blazing with anger and raw power, launched herself at Tirek. 

Twilight's first strikes were swift and precise, fueled by her fury. She unleashed torrents of magical energy, sending waves of force crashing towards Tirek. The ground trembled beneath them as their clash intensified, each blow resonating with the force of a Shooting Star.

Tirek, however, stood steady. With eons of experience behind him, he countered Twilight's onslaught with precision. His strength allowed him to deflect her attacks, gradually pushing her back with each strike.

Tirek grabbed her arm and smashed her into the ground and threw her into a mountain. Twilight kicked him in the jaw and point-blank blasted him at full strength. Tirek was unphased and choke slammed her multiple times into the ground, and blasted her with an energy beam. No matter what attck Twilight did, Tirek was able to get the upper hand and counter her, causing more damage to the land and Twilight. 

Twilight's anger began to cloud her. Her Frustration welled up within her as Tirek seemed to effortlessly anticipate her every move. Desperate to gain the upper hand, she unleashed even more of her God Energy, unleashing blasts of energy that tore through the battlefield.

But Tirek was relentless. Drawing upon his Stolen Energy, he summoned pillars of shadow to entangle Twilight, binding her movements and sapping her strength. With each passing moment, Twilight found it harder to keep up her offensive, her energy waning against Tirek's relentless assault.

Twilight- No... No... 


THe Gods and Others were able to watch the Fight from the Throne room, They had optimism when the fight started but now, doubts are starting to creep into their minds

Pinkie- Twilight's Losing... We gotta do something!

RD- Girls, grab your weapons

Alina- No, you'll only get in the way. 

Rarity- We can't just sit here! We have to do something

Illoua- You'll only get in the way... Tirek is out of our leage... All of ours. 

AJ- We can't just sit here! There has to be something!

Illoua- If you go to that battlefield, you'll die! You will get in the way and either you, or both you and Twilight will Die. We gambled everything on Twilight and now we have to hope that she can come through!

Fluttershy- That's not reasonable, betting everything?!

RD- It's bullshit!

Illoua- We agreed on this. 

Spike- Eaner and I, we can go out... I mean, we both have our fair share of experiences. As much as I hate to admit it. Fruglen helped me out in a very unorthodox way. 

Eaner- I still have my God Energy, If I can just give it to her, it might be the boost she needs to regain the upper hand. 

Illoua- Hurry. Be quick. 


With Twilight restrained, Tirek launched a devastating Attack. Punch after Punch, Blast after Blast, Twilight couldn't have a chance to breathe. With a roar of triumph, he unleashed a surge of dark energy that slammed into Twilight with bone-crushing force. She staggered under the impact, her defenses crumbling before the overwhelming power of her foe.

Twilight Fell to her knees and in the end, despite Twilight's efforts, Tirek won. With a final, decisive blow, he sent her crashing to the ground, defeated. As Twilight lay there, bruised, bloodied, and battered, Tirek stood above her.

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