Prologue Part 2

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After Theodon and Nikolas hid the world they made frequent trips to that world and saw that the civilization was thriving and created their own forms to blend in and learn about their culture 

3 Months Before

Theodon- I still don't think this is a good idea 

Nikolas- Trust me, Theodon... Look how about this we make our own forms of them and see what they are like... then if we see that they aren't what we believe them to be then we'll end it, alright? 

Theodon- Fine, I'm only doing this because if either of us gets caught, our existence as a whole is erased

Nikolas- The Omnipoetant isn't going to find out 

Theodon- Fine, how are we going to get into their society, we look nothing like them 

Nikolas- it's simple, remember back when you learned how to transform from Myron 

Theodon- Yeah... why? 

Nikolas summoned a ball of energy around him and his body morphed to look like them

Nikolas summoned a ball of energy around him and his body morphed to look like them

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Nikolas- We'll get in just like this 

Theodon- alright... seems simple enough 

Theodon did the same and his body morphed too 

They walked into town and were fine until people started whispering and looking at them 

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They walked into town and were fine until people started whispering and looking at them 

Theodon- I don't think we're fitting in well 

They sat down at a table and looked around 

Theodon- You sense that right? 

Nikolas- Yeah, I mean, you did put Chaos Energy into this world, it's to be expected that you'd sense that, probably aftermath excess or something. 

Theodon- fine then... Alright

Nikolas- I think we messed up. You think the wings and horns were a bit much?

Theodon- I knew that both Wings and Horns were rare, but I never knew that it would be that rare? It's like its almost like it's a disease 

A group of armored ponies walked toward the two of them 

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