Crystal Empire Part 3

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Theodon- Sandya? H-How're you... 

Sandya- Hey, Theo... Are you okay? 

Sandya held out her hand and Theodon took it. As soon as he felt her hand, tears fell from his eyes. 

Sandya- Theodore

Theodore- I thought I lost you... I... I missed you so much

Sandya- Woah, what happened?!

Theodon- Where's Twilight? The Crystal Empire... 

Sandya- Did you hit your head?

Theodon- I-I... 

Sandya- C'mon, let's go home

Theodon was still in shock, did he go back in time? How is Sandya here? 

Sandya- Let's go... or do I have to carry you there?

Theodon followed her to their home, everything was exactly how it was before, nothing was out of place, and it was 

Sandya- Sit, I have food ready 

Theodon Sat down and felt the table, all of it was real, it was all normal. She got a bowl and poured the stew into it. She made herself a bowl and sat next to him. 

Sandya- Theo, can I be honest with you?

Theodon- Yeah.... what's up?

Sandya- Why don't you give up on the Crystal Ponies? They're a lost cause anyway?

Theodon- What?

Sandya- Cadance isn't gonna last much longer and Sombra is gonna take over. Along with you being hunted by the entire God Race, this Culling Game... You're not gonna last much longer

Theodon- I can't. Everyone in Equestria... they're rely on me, I'm giving them hope that they can see a day where they aren't being hunted or killed. A lot of people have died Sandya... 

Sandya- Well, just give up please... We can be together and not have to worry about anything else... You would have me again...

Sandya leaned on his shoulder, her warmth was something he hadn't felt in centuries. He leaned back, feeling the pressure relieve itself from him, he could have Sandya bac--

Theodon- No... No I can't do that... 

Sandya- What? Why!?

Theodon- Because, This isn't real... it can't be... This was a pretty realistic trick Sombra but... nice try.

Sandya- Theo...What are you talking about, it's me! Why are you doing this?! After everything!!

Theodon- I know you're not her because you would never tell me to give up, right? If my memory serves me right then you once said If I ever see you give up, I'm kicking you in the balls

Sandya- Theodon, I know but we got each other, isn't that enough

Theodon- Sandya's dead, Sombra. I know because I took her soul from Hell, That was the first thing I did as an Apostle. So take your trick, and shove it up your ass! 

Everything shattered and Theodon closed his eyes and reopened them to be back in the stairwell with Twilight shaking him .

Twilight- Theodon... Theodon!!

Theodon- Twilight? 

Twilight- You're awake, it's been like 10 minutes, I'd thought you'd never come out of it

Theodon brought himself back to his hoofs and looked at the door. 

Theodon- This door... It forced you into your memories and distorts them, makes them into a manipulative nightmare... it's a trap. 

Twilight- How are we gonna get through it then. 

Theodon- It wanted me to give up... it feeds off of the negeative emotions in your mind... but my mind, and my heart know that Sandya would never say that... She'd beat my ass half to death before I even thought of giving up. You had me in the first half, but not this time

Theodon put his hoof to the door and pushed it open to a staircase. 

Theodon- Damn... more stairs. So, ready to go up? 

Don't play any scene in the stairwell

Twilight- How much father do we have to go? This thing goes on forever?

Theodon- I might have to agree with you on this one... It does go on forever

Theodon sat down and Twilight joined him

Theodon- Where the hell could this damn heart be?!

Twilight looked at the stairwell again, and she had an Idea... 

Twilight- What if we're looking at this wrong? 

Theodon- What do you mean?

Twilight used her magic and inverted the two of of them so they would be sliding down the stair way from the ceiling. 

Theodon- What the hell is this?! Twilight?!

Twilight- You were right about this going on forever, this is another trick of Sombra's Instead of going up, we might have to go down! 

Theodon- Well, It's not like we have any other options

 They slid down the staircase until they reached the top of the tower and the Crystal Heart was there. 

Theodon- There it is... 

Theodon walked towards the Crystal Heart, as soon as he got near it though, a barrier of black Crystals emerged, In a split second decision, Theodon it the Crystal HEart out of the area and towards Twilight

Twilight- Theodon!

Theodon tried to teleport out but he immediately was placed back inside. 

Theodon- I'm stuck, Twilight. You have to get the Heart to the Ponies!

Twilight- What? 

Theodon- You can do this, I believe you!

Twilight- Ok...

Twilight used her magic, and from the outside, Cadance's barrier fell and Sombra began his assault on the Empire. The crystal started to deform, but was able to make a path for Twilight to get out of the castle. Sombra immeadaely knew her location and found. Twilight trupped and fell from the ramp. 

RD- Twilight? 

Shining armor- Twilight?! 

Sombra made a Crystal Lamp and began to bring himself closer and closer to Twilight making spikes emerge and rush to impale her. As they got closer the light from the Crystal Heart was able to Return him to his Physical Form unleashing his power. 

Shining Armor mounted Cadance on his back and she was able to see the Crystal Heart. She was able to extend her wings and Shining Armor threw her towards the heart and Twilight. Cadance raced towards Twilight and the heart. Seconds Before Sombra could kill Twilight, she was snatched out of the air by Cadance and brought down to the streets. 

Cadance- The Crystal Heart has returned. You your light and love to make sure King Sombra does not.

Cadance sent the Crystal Heart to the castle having it charge the Castle and streets. The Crystal Ponies were able to return to their crystal forms and charge the streets and A wave of energy went through the Empire and was able to disintegrate Sombra 

Unknown Location

Nikolas felt Sombra's body be killed and knew only one was left.

Nikolas- So... Chrysaslis and Sombra are gone...  Now there's one left. Looks like you might win, Theodon. 

Nikolas Teleported to the outskirts of the Crystal Empire and found the piece of Sombra's horn. Nikolas was able to replay the memories of Sombra during the events

Nikolas- So that's how I could break you, Theodon...

Nikolas picked it up and left the Empire.  

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