Amulet Part 3

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Farm House

Applejack- Why are you here? What did you do with those girls? 

Illoua- Well, I wanted to know, what was the source of that Cursed Energy? 

Applejack- Cursed Energy? 

Illoua- There was a surge of Cursed God Energy in this realm, and I was hoping your group would know about it. 

Applejack- I'm sorry but we didn't even know about that. I'm sorry. 

Illoua- I understand 

Applejack- Why did you come to me? 

Illoua- I'm sorry? 

Applejack- Out of all the girls, why'd you come to me? 

Illoua- Do you want me brutally honest answer, or a true answer? 

Applejack- All of them. 

Illoua- You're the only one I can trust. Your elements, all are related to a character trait, With yours being honesty I feel that I can trust you the most. I don't think the others are aware of the situation that they are in currently. Or at least the scale they are in.

Applejack- Oh, well It's mainly because I don't trust you. You Gods, you've caused a lot of issues, especially since Theodon got here. I appreciate that you were able to give us the power to save Twilight, but I know that there are a lot of you who want us dead, Illoua. 

Illoua- Would you believe me if I said there were a lot more than you think. There are some Primoridals, Apostles, and Theodon Of course. 

Applejack- Define how many. 

Illoua- Small amount... 

Applejack- What do you want me to do then? 

Illoua- Watch out for your friends, and gain strength. From here on out, your enemies are only going to get stronger, and far more dangerous. 

Applejack- I understand, is there anyway I can find ya? 

Illoua put her hoof on Applejacks head and channeled magic through it. 

Illoua-  ፈᏗᏝᏝ

Illoua let go of Applejack and began to leave

Applejack- What'd ya do? 

Illoua- I'll be able to know when you need my help, if you're in danger, recite this saying in your head. ▋▋▋▋▋, Alright? You'll be able to request to summon me anywhere. 

Applejack- Oh, Alright. Goodbye then, Illoua. 


Theodon- Twilight, Are you free? 

Twilight- Yes, Theodon, what's up? 

Theodon- When are you going back to ponyville? 

Twilight- Oh, uhhh, sooner or later... 

Theodon- Twilight, why are you avoiding them? 

Twilight- Why do you think. 

Theodon- I understand why you don't want to but it's been months, maybe they'll forgive you?

Twilight- Theodon, I killed Mayor Mare, I basically put everypony there under a tyrannical rule. I don't know if anypony there would even accept me back. And my Treehouse, it was destroyed by Spike and who knows where he is. 

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