New Way

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Neoma and Alina found themselves in a white room and saw Theodon in white robes

Alina- Lord Theodon... Is that you

Theodon- Theodon Denryk... That's my name... I'm no Lord... just a Knight who got sent on a mission and died...

Neoma- What are you talking about?

Theodon- A long time ago... in a Reality that is far beyond the Age I entered my Godhood...

Alina- So what you are saying?

Theodon sighed and opened his robes to see a scar along his chest and parted his hair to reveal another

Theodon- Theodon Denryk died in the year, 1398. From a Mad King, then Theodon, an Apostle of Reality was born... I'm telling you this because I m not gonna hide anything anymore... And that means I have to lay this out as it is. I promise you that this won't happen again... never again. I treated you all so coldly after I was unsealed, I shouldn't have done that, even with the information of the Culling game and the Criminals loose I should've been more open to helping you... but not anymore. Nikolas thinks we're gonna back into a corner and lose hope... but not anymore. I'm done losing the people that I care about and I refuse to let it happen under my watch!

With that declaration Theodon, Alina, and Neoma all appeared in the Throne room

Alina- We're back?

Theodon- Yeah, I kicked you out... of my head...

Alina and Neoma hugged Theodon as he returned the hug

Alina- we missed you Lord Theodon

Theodon-I know but from now on... Just call me Theodon 

In the midst of their hug, they felt a wave of energy go through the air

Theodon- This feeling... It's Po'Dulue...

Alina- Who?

Theodon- The God of Corruption... he released a large amount of energy... coming from... Ponyville. Where are Twilight and the others, they're in Danger!

Alina- Wait... Their energy it's surging

Theodon- Y-You're right, It's as if they're getting stronger... but still, we have to see if they're ok

Theodon teleported them to Ponyville and saw an orb in the middle of the town


Twilight- We did it... Po'Dulue is out of my head... All of those things I did... I'm so sorry

Applejack- Twilight... It's ok, we'll help you through this... All that's left now is to find Spike and everything can go back to how it was

They all hugged Twilight as a wave of relief washed over them

Alina- Twilight, are you okay?

Twilight- Princess Celestia, Princess Luna You're here? And... Lord Theodon?

Theodon- Yes, I'm here... And That surge of energy I sensed was that you guys?

Rainbow Dash- Heck yeah it was us! We finished that Corruption guy with our new Powers

Theodon- New powers?

Fluttershy- A friend of yours, or at least she said she was. She fused us with our Elements and here we are now

Theodon- A friend of mine?

Fluttershy- yes, she was this beautiful woman, looked about the same age as you. Her name was Iloua I believe

Theodon- Where did you see her?

AJ- Sorry Lord Theodon, if we could tell you we could but all I know is that we were in the Everfree forest and next thing you know we're sucked underground. It could be anywhere

Theodon- Yeah... so she did that to you guys, you really got stronger... I can sense that you've grown since I've last seen you. Especially you Twilight

Twilight looked down in disappointment

Twilight- I'm sorry but you might be sensing residue from Po'Dulue

Theodon- on the Contrary, you're wrong. I can sense the residue yes but it's overshadowed by your current potency of God Energy

Theodon lifted his hand and pointed his fingers towards Twilight, particles of light emerged from her spreading around them

Theodon- wow.... That is interesting

Twilight- My goodness, it looks like a galaxy

Theodon- This is your God Energy... projected down to a reasonable scale at least

Theodon made a projection of Po'Dulue's God Energy, and a smaller projection of God energy

Theodon- This small one here... was you when Discord attacked, yet, the one I pulled out is you now.

Twilight- what about this third one?

Theodon- Our Former God of Corruption, his God Energy that was once was

Twilight- Wait... so you're saying

Theodon- Energy, Especially God Energy can't be destroyed, only misplaced or absorbed by another user. And that user is you...

Twilight- Wow...

Theodon- Twilight... I haven't been the best teacher, but something's changed, you're different now... I can actually teach you instead of giving you the basic's but it's up to you, so you wanna protect this reality?

Twilight- Under one condition... let my friends join too, if you want to train me then you're gonna have to train them as well, agreed?

Everfree Forest

Spike walked through the forest and his emotion was blank and he only walked forward

Spike- Twilight... Renaé...

A group of Timberwolves jumped from the bushes in attempt to attack Spike, but a glare from him obliterated all of them within seconds

Spike- Timberwolves...

Spikes skin turned black and began to crack as lava seeped through. Wings emerged from his back and he launched into the air. His eyes turned black and his green irises turned red

 His eyes turned black and his green irises turned red

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Spike- There....

Spike launched forward and bolted towards his destination

Spikes veins

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